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Colored Smoke?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Nyxierawr, Jun 3, 2013.

  1. Okay so I know you can use nontoxic food coloring to color food and it's okay to digest.
    A friend and I were talking about this and we were wondering if you could somehow use non toxic food coloring on mj to change the smoke color? Would it affect the potency?
  2. No offence but.... that's a horrible idea lol no I don't think it will work haha
  3. No offence but.... that's a horrible idea lol no I don't think it will work haha
    Probably is but we got into a discussion about it and I'm pretty curious to the answer haha.

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  4. #4 Old School Smoker, Jun 3, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2013
    LOL yeah use the imitation kind that has alcohol it will blow you away ;)
    EDIT: Oh wait i am thinking of flavorings you are talking about coloring. I dunno but please try it and let us know how it tastes. Soak your bud overnight in imitation food coloring made with vinigar. Thank you :)
  5. Making it with vinegar seems like a super bad idea. Just sayin.

    Sent from my LG-L38C using Grasscity Forum mobile app

  6. put cranberry juice in the bong as an alternative of water, and the smoke will turn red. me and the homie did it and you shoulda seen their faces. but it also makes it sticky and a bit harder to clean. by a bit, i mean really hard to clean.
  7. That sounds pretty sick.
    Probably will try it tomorrow
  8. #8 Old School Smoker, Jun 3, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2013
    Ok just soak the buds in food coloring please? I want you to smoke some bud that was soaked overnight in food coloring. Then report back to us on the taste and if it made colored smoke please. Thank you.
  9. I wonder how orange juice would work.
  10. dont do this OP.
    Thsi guy just wants you to waste bud.
    No you cant colour the smoke.
    Wanna tell us how you know? Have you tried it?
    Also, no need to announce her thread as closed. We'll know when it's over.
  12. I havent tried it because It wont work.
    In the slight possibility that it may work, you will get a rash on your lungs.
    How do you know this? What are you basing this on?
  14. well i'm not getting back those brain cells i just lost reading this thread. 
  15. Ok I tried it. The smoke did not turn color, but when I inhaled i felt a nasty burning in my chest. Then I could not breathe and My friend had to dial 911. The paramedics could not believe that I smoked food coloring. Just back from emergency hospital. I'll never do that again.
  16. Im basing it on common sense and this:
  17. Real shit. I want those 8 min of my life back!!
    here is someone trying it and said it didn't work the smoke is still grey
  19. dont do this OP.
    Thsi guy just wants you to waste bud.

    No you cant colour the smoke.
    I know lol

    Awesome Opossum

  20. #20 Lockout, Jun 3, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2013
    Common sense? You can't base something on common sense, as common sense is based on past experiences and basic reasoning which can be explained. I wanted the reason you were so sure about it and "common sense" doesn't offer a reason. And Danbridge's post came after you making your post, so you couldn't have based your belief on his experience. Nevertheless, it seems you were correct. Lucky guess? ;)
    That's pretty serious xD What type of food colouring was it? Do you know what the contents were? The name? Powder or liquid dye? How much of it did you use to dye your weed?

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