
Discussion in 'General' started by Broosh, Aug 27, 2008.

  1. If you attend, where at?

    University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
  2. Commonly reffered to as "U R High"
    I'll let u stoners figure out the rest
  3. University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh
  4. pff, who needs it

    to kool for skool.:)

  5. my parents met, fell in love, and graduated from Oshkosh


  6. University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
  7. I'm a sucker for happy endings :cry:

  8. My best friend's going to be a freshman there this year. I'm going to St. Mikes.
  9. university of california, santa barbara (07-08)
    pace university (nyc) (08-??)

  10. i want to go there
  11. community college...
  12. Virginia Tech
  13. a SUNY in the 914.
  14. Des Moines Area Community College - Ankeny Campus bitches!

    Been to every class high as hell so far!

    Keep Blazin':smoking:
  15. city college of san francisco
  16. radford university
  17. College is kicking my ass already this year. First time I've been on the forum in many days.
  18. The University of Western Ontario!
  19. Did attend...

    University of Florida Alum. Class of 07'

    Best years of my life. Mad weed, mad parties, mad pussy. Football games/Basketball games. 3 national titles in 14 months.

  20. Ain't nothin wrong with community college, it can save a lot of money especially if you're planning to transfer to a university. I'd rather do CC for two years and transfer somewhere good than go to a crappy school for four years.

    But for me, Cal Poly, SLO.

    If you're ever driving down california, gotta stop and stay a while in San Luis Obispo.

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