college republicans here make "liberal professor list"

Discussion in 'Politics' started by e_to_the_x, Sep 15, 2009.

  1. We're talking about the anti-choice, anti-gay mariage, trying to reinstate prayer in school and make things like desecrating the flag a fellony party, right? The same one that was in charge during the war in iraq and afghanistan started, right? and you're saying they don't like to change or get involved in peoples lifes?

    What are you smoking friend?

    I had my Ag Mechanics teacher threaten me with an m4 if i voted for Kerry. And I also only got to register to vote during class by my fundamentalist technology teacher if i voted for bush.
  2. #22 UnbyJP, Sep 16, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 16, 2009
    I'm not here to do research for you. Seeing as we are discussing something on an internet forum, I'm gonna go ahead and assume you have access to an internet search engine just as easily as I do, and can use it to verify mine or your points. I already know the stats, and bothered to confirm them before I posted a response to your fallacious claim. Just because I didn't prove something to you doesn't make it false. If you really cared to know, you'd have looked it up yourself, especially if you thought I was wrong and could easily prove it by citing what you find on your own.

    Also, my mother is a public school teacher, her mother is too, my significant others mother is a public school teacher who also has worked several administrative positions within the Board of Education, I went to public schools, private schools, and higher education institutes and currently work for a higher education institute, so I also have vast personal experience to back my claims with.

    You're kidding right. You actually think conservative = Republican? Republicans are neocons who don't represent any of the classical conservative views. Beyond that, most of us don't even buy into the 2 party system and the limitations of political affiliation. If you felt compelled to classify us, at least get it somewhat right by saying Libertarian.
  3. You might as well make a thread saying "democrats are getting in touch with their assholes" that would be about as stupid and pointless as this thread, unless your in to that sort of thing.

  4. So what your saying is true conservatives don't go to college because wanting to learn about something makes you a liberal?

  5. #25 UnbyJP, Sep 17, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 17, 2009
    Wut :confused:
    Fail. It was clear that it was regarding postgraduate education. Has nothing to do with entering higher education, its about continuing beyond the level of your first bachelors degree.

    I'm assuming you think you can only learn shit from college and other kinds of schools? It amazes me how illiberal 'liberals' views are.
  6. I'm saying that liberals can be led to water AND made to drink it! :D

    Conservatives are by nature contrarian, they don't bode well with established authority.

  7. If i want training as a chemist where would i go? What about to be a doctor?

    yeah you can learn stuff from other places i'm not fucking retarded.

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