Is it a good Idea to scrape off (lightly) with a razorblade the THC glands on the leaves and collect in a jar or something, because THC is visible on my plant to the naked eye at 3 weeks now maybe four (next time I'll keep a journal) Will it constantly reproduce I assume so, any impust is greatly appriciated!
So that is what pollinators are for. I´ve never taked out the crystals in my plants. CAn I make my own pollinator
Hatzgirl.....yeah you can do that..and its goooood shit wass stoned off some of it this morning. super pollen.
Don't scrape..why risk damaging plant..merely rub your cleaned hands up an down,,all around the bracted buds....then over a white paper...rub hands together to ball or crumb the will fall onto paper...when done..collect it ,,make a ball,,,let dry overnight,,,smoke it up. You just made finger hash....