Cold shower then a smoke?

Discussion in 'General' started by Cyrol, Sep 2, 2013.

  1. Hey everyone

    So a few days ago I watched a fascinating documentary on RT about how the body reacts to the cold. I took notice of when it said people who are exposed to cold for 2 minutes or so experience a euphoric endorphin high. So after my stoned ride yesterday I thought I would attempt having a really cold shower and have a choof after. The cold was really really intense. I'm not sure my body had been exposed to such severe cold before lol. So after 2, 1 minute intervals of cold I jumped out and got ready to smoke. And maaaan did I feel fucking awesome. My whole body felt warm and fuzzy and I had a sort of dazed euphoric feeling, it was a great ritual before the sesh.

    I ended up watching transformers 2 in this blissful state, it was so fucking worth the pain of the cold shower. So much so I felt absolutely compelled to share it on here with you guys.

    Would you/Have you guys tried anything like this?
  2. i love taking a hot shower, then turning it cold as i can. its such a rush. hopefully i can start toking again and ill give it a shot
  3. #3 Serenity, Sep 2, 2013
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2013
    Everyone should end their showers by turning the water ice cold. It closes your pores and is just generally great for your skin. 
  4. james bond shower mowfucka
  5. #5 TokingDaily420, Sep 2, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 2, 2013
    I'm down to my last bowl :/
    For a while too. Might even take a T-break after tonight. I will try this out though when I go outside later tonight to blaze. 

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