Hello GC, so i'm a longtime smoker of the marijuana but reasonably new to this new fangled internet forum thing. I enjoy a smoke with my mates and we often think of different names for weed when in the grips of a nice haze. So here it is i want to hear your code names for marijuan and remember the stupider the better. I'll get the ball rolling, a personal favourite of mine has to be 'exotic jazz tobacco' or amongst friends simply 'Jazz' Fire away people give me what ya got!
Ha - jazz tobacco - very nice I can see this becoming a very very long list! Here are a few of my favourites - Wacky baccy Shrubbery Baron Greenback
Me and my friends came up with calling it pizza awhile back when we were at a Blockbuster... Long story behind it... Still say it as an inside joke.
I like what you're doing here, a couple of favourites are 'Kermit' and 'Henry the Eight'. Can't think of any others but will keep em coming when i'm creatively hazed up
I like, what i like is everyones gotta have nickname that they use amongst groups of mates that are an inside joke. No-one else will have a clue what you're banging on about but so long as you know thats all that matters!
Ya... We were definitely getting some stares when we were arguing about burnt pizza and whose bowl could fit the most pizza in it. The analogies kinda catapulted from there.
Brilliant, we talk about Jazz and everyone thinks we're well into the underground jazz music world! If only they knew!!!
Things seem to have gone a little quiet on the name front perhaps there aren't too many code names people use for weed. LONG LIVE THE JAZZ!
Its definitely unique, no question about that! I reckon no-one will know what the hell you're on about however the chances of getting locked up for being a nutjob are probably quite high!
I reckon no-one will know what the hell you're on about however the chances of getting locked up for being a nutjob are probably quite high! [/QUOTE] LOL indeed, i quite like 'Momas spice' not very stealth but easily memorable!
Greenery, Cotton Balls, and me and some of my friends call it Funk Nuggets. I'm feelin' "Jazz" though.
[quote name='Adam Bomb']Greenery, Cotton Balls, and me and some of my friends call it Funk Nuggets. Funk Nuggets, quality dude! I'm a fan of calling it Albert as in Albert Einstein! I always feel more psychologically powerful when i have a jazz!
For the Star Trek fans out there this ones a beauty, 'I cannee do it Captain i dont have the power' is waht should be said when you need to go shops for some serious munch time!