cock tanning

Discussion in 'Grasscity Forum Humor' started by 420freedme, Oct 20, 2007.

  1. jj wanted a full body tan. he noticed that the tanner he got, the paler his cock looked. jj decides to cure this by burying his whold body in the sand except his willie.

    so jj goes to the beach and carries out his plan.

    two elderly women walk up on jj's jimmy and stop dead still. mary turned and said to kay," when i was 15 those scared me, at 18 to 25 i couldnt get enough, from 25 to 35, i would chase one of those down, at 35 to 5O i paid for it, from 50 till now ive prayed for one."

    next post
  2. and wouldnt you know kay. their growing wild on the beach and im too old to squat down.

  3. ....wierd.... haha but somewhat funny.

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