Cocaine In The New Red Bull Cola?!

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Tokr2, May 31, 2009.

  1. Check this out.....
    Germany Bans Red Bull Cola

    May 27th, 2009 by Rick

    The Health Institute in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, conducted a sample test of Red Bull Cola and discovered a minute amount of a byproduct of cocaine, per liter in the drink. Fearing violations of their narcotics law, five other German states (Hesse, Thuringia and Rhineland-Palatinate) banned the drink from being sold in stores.
    On Monday, the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (Germany's equivalent to the FDA, but more scientific), said that that level of cocaine within the drink was too low to pose any sort of health risk and planned to release a more detailed report sometime today.
    Red Bull said it's cola was…
    harmless and marketable in both the U.S. and Europe.
    It doesn't make sense why the ban went into effect. It would take 12,000 liters of the drink to become affected. Even negative publicity is still publicity and with all the media outlets covering the story, Red Bull Cola (which has only been available for a year) may certainly benefit from the buzz.
  2. thats crazy ive had this drink ,dont like it much tho..
  3. Funny thing is, you need to drink 100,000 liters of Red Bull Cola to notice the cocaine. By which time, of course, the caffeine would have killed you.
  4. #4 Thai_Sticks, May 31, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2009
    There have been several tests in the US where they test paper money for cocaine, and a HUGE percentage come back positive.

    Theres only one solution for this epidemic... Ban dollars from the united states! (can you say recession?)
  5. chappele predicted this

    [ame=http://]Bongs and Glass Pipes -[/ame]
  6. say one bill is used to snort

    the next day its spent, and ends up being counted. it can get on all the other bills.

    although its mostly urban legend/word of mouth bullshit, i remember reading one bill is responsible for contaminating 100 others
  7. that drank is fucking trash
    if you havent tryed it I suggest you never do
    it taste like anyother generic cola
  8. fuck energy drinks. i really dont think its good 2 drink those things. but i smoke weed, funny huh?:smoking:
  9. that shit taste like the devils balls anyways. maybe the blow's a plus.
  10. "urban legend/word of mouth bullshit"

    Sorry man, when do real numbers and statistics actually ever come out to easy numbers like 100? A 1:100 ratio? Really??
  11. How would they get an accurate number? The best they can do is give a guess, and I'd say thats pretty close.
  12. say one bill is used to snort

    the next day its spent, and ends up being counted. it can get on all the other bills.

    although its mostly urban legend/word of mouth bullshit, i remember reading one bill is responsible for contaminating 100 others[/quote]

    Technically 1 bill used to snort can contaminate an infinite number of bills. It will contaminate, to some extent, every bill it touches for the rest of it's life as a dollar bill. The technology to detect even the most minute, tiny, trace amounts of a drug on a surface is commonly available and accessible to anyone.

    The article is about a drink containing trace amounts of a drug byproduct, not that the drink has been directly exposed to large amounts of the drug itself. You have to speak apples and apples man, your going all apple and orange on me.

    Why distinguish between bills that have been used to snort drugs and bills that havn't been used to snort drugs. They both have cocaine on them.

    If they can ban a drink for having trace amounts of a drug BY PRODUCT, they can ban something else for having trace amounts of A DRUG.

    I'm not seriously saying they should ban money... i'm saying that this is rediculous and you should not ban a soda because the cousin of one of the middle-eastern or columbian or hispanic workers knows a guy who's ex-brother-in-law, who he's still friends with's hair dresser's father is a member of a giant drug cartel involved in the growing, purifying, and distributing of cocaine, and it's common courtesy to shake hands in their culture.

    In summation, don't shit where you eat.

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