Coast to coast

Discussion in 'General' started by FallenOne08214, Jul 31, 2010.

  1. Ok, so I'm thinking of getting a group of 4-5 people together and driving from east coast to west coast of the US. Since I'm mid way, it sucks cause we'll have to go to the east coast 1st. Figure 4-5 people rent an SUV or van, pack up only the essential supplies and to cut cost, we'l be sleeping in tents along the way instead of hotels. First I wanted to walk, but everyone thinks a road trip will be much better.
  2. So you asking people on GC. damn thats a little risky dont you think. what makes you think you wont get robbed or anything?
  3. I got 1 person who's down to do this for sure. Looking to find a nice scenic route, but idk it'll prolly take a few months of planning, budgeting, mapping the route...And it doesn't have to be stated, but of course we'll track down along the way.

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