Cloudy trics with a side of white flies

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by fasteddie, Oct 6, 2008.

  1. Post says it all, I have a plant that has 90% cloudy trics and is pretty close to harvest. Today I saw a some white flies on it when I checked it. I usually wait till I see some amber trics to cut but with the plant being so close and having cloudy trics what would you guys do. I figure I could use neem or some other chemical but with it being so close would I just be better off to cut it now before anything can spread?
  2. how far are you off harvest?

    are you looking for all cloudy trichs??

    if your looking for all cloudy trichs with a little amber just wait it out, unless these white flies are multiplying like crazy.

  3. sems is right - u can wait a bit
    but id say: "cut it man!"

  4. :p either way he should be ok.
    they shouldn't hang around once your drying/curing it man.

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