dont you hate it when, i was jus walking along, minding my own buisness, and i was on GC, reading threads, was reading a good thread, and spent like 30 mins. trying to repond, refreshing the page, logging out back in, just reading the thread HARDER, only to realize it was a closed thread, ever happen to you?
[quote name='"ChillinOnRoofs"']^^^Steezy is back!!! I hope you saw the thread dedicated to you, that ironically got closed..[/quote] Is that really steezy?!
YES! hahaha I always wish I could just go back in time a little bit in order to post what I had to say.
Also, in regards to OP, yes! This has happened to me before. And I feel like its even worse when on the iPad app. You see that message and you're like "noooo! People needed to know what I was going to say!"
[quote name='"stoneheir"']Also, in regards to OP, yes! This has happened to me before. And I feel like its even worse when on the iPad app. You see that message and you're like "noooo! People needed to know what I was going to say!"[/quote] on the Droid app, same shit
Haha I don't personally think it's degrading or anything. I mean.. I don't think the like system was ever meant to be taken terribly seriously. If he were dropping neg bombs or even just throwing posi reps around I could understand, but not so much with this. I find it sorta funny myself.
To be honest, I just kind of get a little hint of excitement when I see a number in that top right corner of my window. Then I see that it's just another damn like from steezy it's a bummer, haha