closed threads

Discussion in 'General' started by weirdguy007, Nov 25, 2011.

  1. dont you hate it when, i was jus walking along, minding my own buisness, and i was on GC, reading threads, was reading a good thread, and spent like 30 mins. trying to repond, refreshing the page, logging out back in, just reading the thread HARDER, only to realize it was a closed thread, ever happen to you?
  2. ^^^Steezy is back!!!

    I hope you saw the thread dedicated to you, that ironically got closed..
  3. Haha oh lawd here we go again
  4. [quote name='"ChillinOnRoofs"']^^^Steezy is back!!!

    I hope you saw the thread dedicated to you, that ironically got closed..[/quote]

    Is that really steezy?!
  5. Yeah, he liked the post lol
  6. steezyDAT
  7. yea who'd you think it was santa? it's thanksgiving.. i hope you all gave thanks for steezyDAT amen
  8. it has happened to me before to
  9. I feel you op
  10. YES! hahaha

    I always wish I could just go back in time a little bit in order to post what I had to say.
  11. steezyDAT?
  12. steezy needs to quit. it was cute at first. now its trollish and annoying
  13. Also, in regards to OP, yes! This has happened to me before. And I feel like its even worse when on the iPad app. You see that message and you're like "noooo! People needed to know what I was going to say!"
  14. this thread is about steezy.
  15. [quote name='"stoneheir"']Also, in regards to OP, yes! This has happened to me before. And I feel like its even worse when on the iPad app. You see that message and you're like "noooo! People needed to know what I was going to say!"[/quote] on the Droid app, same shit
  16. You get upset easily huh?

  17. i think it is fucking annoying

    it's kind of degrading the like system
  18. Haha I don't personally think it's degrading or anything. I mean.. I don't think the like system was ever meant to be taken terribly seriously. If he were dropping neg bombs or even just throwing posi reps around I could understand, but not so much with this.

    I find it sorta funny myself.
  19. To be honest, I just kind of get a little hint of excitement when I see a number in that top right corner of my window. Then I see that it's just another damn like from steezy

    it's a bummer, haha

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