Close calls

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by wrldslayer, Oct 22, 2008.

  1. #1 wrldslayer, Oct 22, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 22, 2008
    Firstly, I'm pretty sure this is the right forum for this, so sorry if it isn't lol.

    Alright, I'm sure this has been posted here before, but I'm gonna go ahead and do it anyway. Talk about one of your close calls with getting caught.

    Before I start, remember that I was very fucking high at the time, and this was over a year ago...and there was more than one similar instance so I don't remember all the details exactly. But it went something like this...

    Last summer, I stayed on campus with one of my roommates. Almost nobody was there, of course, they all went home for summer. We didn't have TV or internet, so basically we just smoked all day, all summer.

    Well, one weekend my parents and I went out of town to see some family friends. So, on the way back, my parents wanted to swing by the apartment, for whatever reason. They didn't tell me this until we were about 20 minutes away. So, I txt my roommate to make sure my room was clear, because we'd often toke in there. I believe he had JUST finished smoking when I txted him. So he takes all the weed shit and throws it into the closet in the empty room next to mine (since the guy who was in there had moved out). We show up, and I go straight to my room to do a once over. It looks alright...but it definitely smells. My mom goes to the bathroom, and my dad's just kinda standing in the living room. He goes back toward my room, and of course I don't want him to go in, I go to show him how filthy the room next to mine is, and start talking about how much of a slob the guy was. Here's the awful part...I was like "here check out the closet, it's fucking awful" and almost slid the sliding door open. My roommate was like "no! no! no!" and changed the subject. Then my dad was like "what, are you guys hiding beer in there or something?" *cue nervous laughter*. So then he goes into my room, and stands there. I start trying to say I guess I let some food rot or something, but he knows. He hasn't said a word to this day, but I know he knew. So my mom comes out of the bathroom and goes into my room to grab a hand towel. She didn't act the slightest bit phazed, then I remembered that she couldn't smell shit because her nose was stuffed up.

    There are several other close calls from that summer, but the rest were with the building maintenance people, involving sneaking a bong between rooms behind our back right in front of them, etc. Hilarity ensues.
  2. HAHA funny shit.. mines pretty bad..

    Before ma parents new i smoked a few years back when i was about 15-16

    Basicly, i had my mate over an we were gettin fucking kaned.. id already had like 4-5 joints an was fucked beyond belief..

    I smoke in my room with my window open knowing that my parents wont come into my room if ive got mates o w/e..

    so im sat there an i said to ma mate, "you wanna make another joint?"

    hes like, "great idea"

    so just as we both start skinnin up the intercom on the home phones goes off (we've got a pretty big house so its easier than shoutin) I answered it an my mum simply said, "come downstairs".

    i was like oooo shit an told ma mate to wait there an hide the shit for a bit. I was needless to say, shitting myself.

    so i get downstairs an my mum asks a stupid ass question nothing to do with smoking i answer and im like thank fuck for that.. walk out the room go back upstairs to my room.

    sit down an i was like rite false alarm lets get rollin..

    so he gives me my shit an im like "where the fuck are my skins?" hes ses, "they werent there when you left, i thought they must be in your pocket"

    i checked an im like "where the fuck are they?" so i stand up an start lookin around an he goes, "there in your fuckin hand mate".

    i didnt figure it out at the time, cos i didnt know i had them but my dad had been starin at my hand an i was like oooooo shit.

    he deffo saw em, but he didnt say anything to ma mum, an never said anythin to me about it.

    funny times.. ive seen a video of a guy denying he has weed on him to this copper an hes got a joint behind his ear haha.. the copper seemed pretty fair about it tbh, he gave him three chances an then says, whats that behind your ear then. Hes like ohhh forgot about that in this really stoned voice haha so the cop jus takes it off him cautions him an fucks off.. i would LOL in that situation.

  3. LOL, both of those stories are hilarious. At the time it's always like "Oh shit..." but in retrospect these stories are fucking hysterical.

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