Post here any close calls that you a comfortable to share that could have resulted in serious injury to you or worse. I remember I was young and was on a trampoline somewhere with another kid. Obviously we were both jumping, and he was descending on the trampoline as I was up in the air. The kid landed on the trampoline a split second before I did, and the pressure of him on the trampoline offset the trampoline, and sent me off at an angle, and I landed head first on the trampoline on my neck, my neck cracked probably 10 times. Looking back I have no idea how I did not break my neck, the angle of impact was so steep.
Post here any close calls that you a comfortable to share that could have resulted in serious injury to you or worse. I remember I was young and was on a trampoline somewhere with another kid. Obviously we were both jumping, and he was descending on the trampoline as I was up in the air. The kid landed on the trampoline a split second before I did, and the pressure of him on the trampoline offset the trampoline, and sent me off at an angle, and I landed head first on the trampoline on my neck, my neck cracked probably 10 times. Looking back I have no idea how I did not break my neck, the angle of impact was so steep.
how many times did you click "submit new topic"? mine are numerous. most serious are rolling my oldsmobile and an almost head-on @60mph. or that time i did far too many mgs of an unmentionable with no tolerance.
I almost got shot one time. I was like 6, sitting in my front yard playing with my bike. I saw a guy walking down the street (no big deal; it was a suburb and people walked all the time). So I wave at him (like I do to everyone) when he's like 40 yards away. He picks up this stick he was carrying and points it at me while he rests it against his shoulder. For some reason, I got the urge to jump up and run inside. My parents saw me run and asked what was wrong, and I kept saying I didn't know. My dad saw the guy walk past the house and it turns out what he had as a gun. And he was like an old man too. So this old man was fully intent on shooting me with a rifle in the middle of a suburb street. I can't explain why I ran but I'm glad I did. You can't hold no groove, if you ain't got no pocket.
I was at a bar with some friends seeing a friend perform (he's a rapper). At the end of the night, we're all outside of the bar smoking cigarettes, laughing and whatever. This dude comes out of the bar, hits this girl with the door and so we tell him CALMLY "hey man, just be careful." And he was all "I'll hit the bitch if I want to. You don't know who I am." My friend was all "You're right, we don't know who you are, but we're just trying to have a good time." Then this nutcase gets in everyone's face as if he's gonna fight us. Turns out his SUV was parked right out the bar and he went to the trunk, pulled out a gun and fucking SHOT AT US. A friend of mine stabbed him and then we all scattered and ran away. We found out that he just got back from Afghanistan so he was probably fucked up good there and should be sent to a mental institution until he's ready to re-enter society.
Got my head stuck in a revolving door at a restaurant when I was a kid, Wasn't walking fast enough or paying attention and the thing slammed on my neck and got locked up basically. Was stuck there for like 2 hours til the fire department came
Watched a really old buddy of mine (We used to hang out lots when i was little but now we have minimal contact) do a backflip off a trampoline and break his neck, now hes in a wheel chair with zero function to the rest of his body for the rest of his life. Ive had a couple self induced close calls like going into a ditch with a gas mask on while driving, stupid shit like that but none really worth mentioning other then that.
One time I was at a buddies, and being absent minded stoners we had planned to blaze a sesh, but all managed to forget to bring papers or glass. So eventually he remembers that his little brother had a Sherlock hidden in his closet. At the time, I was pretty close with just about everyone in that household (childhood friend who later in life moved into the house right behind mine, didn't even know I lived there), so I began rummaging his closet. No like straight searching through the kids shit, just lifing sweaters, checking little boxes and tins that looked like good stash spots. As im looking for the pipe, some falls from the shelf above me, and I literally feel it lightly skin my cheek. I breathed a sigh.of relief and looked down to.see what had fallen. From the top, it looked like a rollarblade, so I was thinkin "shit, that woulda.hurt" and picked it up. That's when I saw that it was actually an ice skate. Thinking about what would.have happened if.I was half an inch.further to.the right makes my.stomach turn to Sent from my ST26a using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I had a k9 circle my car like 5 times, but the weed gods fucked up his nose and he missed the qp. It was in my trunk under the floor, where the spare is. I think the cop got the dog out because my friend was black. Cop could have made the dog alert, so that was close. When I was 11 a fire truck ran over my boot. it must have barely missed my toes, cuz they're still here.
I used to work for a Armoured Cash in Transit company and one day we got hit while carrying cargo back to the truck. All I remember is lying on the ground with the person (who is now in jail) with a shotgun to the back of our heads. Luckily the truck alarm went off and he ran away. Irritated when I'm not sedated.
The close call wasn't mine but the two of us were cruising down a hill on longboards. He was in the front. I don't even really know what happened but all of a sudden he smacked into the pavement, rolled a bunch of times and went off the edge of the street into a dirt pit. Thought he might have died but I couldn't stop. He's alright.
Some real crazy crap can happen. Another stupid thing I did was real simple but I was at a theme park and there is a bridge basically that goes under a roller coaster, with circular guardrails only about 3 1/2 feet high. My dumbass decided to sit on the rail. Below me was a 20+ foot drop onto a concrete staircase under the roller coaster, or a 30 foot drop into a shallow artifical river if I fell off to my right... Thinking about how easy it would have been to lean back too far and die makes my stomach churn aswell.
Holy shit these stories are crazy. But one time me and my friends were walking back home from smoking at another friends house. We walking on the side of the street because sidewalks are for pussies lol, anyways this car is trying to pull out of the driveway and this white mustang just comes flying down the street dodged the other car but came so close to me that i literally felt the arm sleeve of my shirt fly up. Almost took my arm off Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I literally just almost died this morning.I was getting on to freeway it was raining and my car loses control. A semi came so close to hitting me i was facing north on a south bound lane...shit was intense. Sent from my HUAWEI-M931 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
My parents parked outside a gas station on our way back home from Florida. I'm fricking Detroit. They locked my brother and I in the car and went inside. Someone shot out our window. I was 5 Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk
Similar "close call", I guess. While I was in the air, my cousin landed.. ..and in doing so systematically destroyed the trampoline. Fell onto some old rusty pipes and a very unforgiving ground. :lol:
True that, man. Especially on a bike. I swear I see more drivers with a cell phone in their hand than without one That being said, my closest brush with the reaper I have myself to blame for. I was young, dumb, and drunk as fuck. A few friends and I were out cruising around for shits and giggles, ended up taking out a telephone pole going 70-80 mph. Since I was extra dumb and reckless, I didn't have my seatbelt on either. Windshield: 1 Lee: 0 Being slammed against the windshield and dashboard at that speed is about as fun as it sounds. Long road after a wreck like that, but I'm still kicking now
Me and this one guy would often "fuck bitches" together. He had this girlfriend a few towns over who was really into me, and kept saying she was gunna fuck me but not him. She also told him that so it was no secret. He always laughed it off, no big deal. So one night, he called me up, told me to get ready he had some girls lined up. So its 2am, I'm sneaking out of my house, I jump in his car and we drive down the road. I had shorts, tee shirt, no shoes, and my phone. That's it. I notice something seemed odd, like something just wasn't right and I could feel it. I immediately, being smart and all, picked up that I was somehow being setup. I straight up told the guy "dude you're setting me up what's going on" hes all nah man you're tripping you're tripping. we pull into a gas station and there's a guy I had an altercation with before sitting there waiting on us. Dudes like nah man I'm just picking him up to come with us. Okay whatever.. he gets in, I proceed to tell them both "man I'm not stupid I'm positive you guys are about to set me up somehow" again, they play it off like I'm the crazy one. We ended up going to gas station dudes house and they keep packing bowl after bowl for me but not hitting it with me. I knew I was about to fight, and had my adrenaline dump in the car being so anxious, so I went ahead and got really high. We get back on the road and dude is all so my girlfriend has been screenshotting your texts all day and sending them to me. Hes like me and Steven here gotta beat your ass now. So we pass my house and are almost to his, I say fuck this and try to jump out of the car at about 30mph but gas station dude Steven grabbed me. So driver guy was like jump out all you want but jumping out at 80 will probably kill you. So he speeds up to 80mph. I'm like man I'm fucked now.. I forgot to mention earlier when dude originally picked me up he grabbed my phone and put it in his pocket. so we get to dudes property and hes like get out. So I'm all fuck you man I'm not getting out so you guys can jump me. So dude gets out the front and I lock the door, he tries jumping in the window and I upkick him with shoes on right in the nose and it shatters. blood everywhere. He opens the door and jumps in on me.I do fine off my back for a minute and eventually get positioned where dude is over top of me and I'm basically trying to push him out of the car. Hes about 200lbs I'm about 130. Hes much bigger than me. Other dude runs around the other side opens the door while other dude whos been fighting me starts raining down elbows on the back of my skull and spine. I take about 30 or 40 of them then every one after that my vision flashes purple with each shot, and last I remember was going limp. Woke up, dudes like here's your fucking phone, smashes it against a tree. Then they drive me home and I tend to my wounds. Got my ass beat bad. Sucked.
I have a bowie knife that I every day carry for situations just like this. Completely fucked up to the max.