clones wilting after removed from dome??

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by jdw5366, Oct 19, 2012.

  1. Hey folks.. So I have some clones under a dome and they look beautiful for the first week and a half while they're under there.. But when I remove them and transplant them into soil containers to move to a veg state they wilt on me after minutes... Should I leave them under the dome for a longer period until they begin to actually grow or what? Thanks
  2. They will more than likely come around in soil without a dome if they have decent roots and the soil is wet.

    You could put a dome over them when you transplant, but it's probably not worth the work. I personally never use domes and I don't get wilting. The transplant may be causing the wilting, not the dome.
  3. It's kind of a "humidity shock".

    Next time move the done off slowly - crack it for a few days first, don't take it off all at once.

  4. Hey thanks! All good ideas.. I do make sure the roots are coming out of the rapid rooters prior to transplanting although I could just let the root structure and plant grow a little more prior to exposing it to the outside air at a fragile moment in it life cycle, right? I did try zip lock bags sprayed inside with water and then turned upside down over the solo cups being used.. I think that would have worked if done immediately after transplanting.. Just had no idea they would wilt like that sooo fast..:) Live and learn I guess... Again, thanks for all the sound advice.. One question though.. How do you clone WITHOUT a dome or cloner? Kind of new at this..:confused_2::)
  5. Did they gave good roots? Like to pull the dome off for a day or two before transplant to soil. Less shock this way.

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