Clones haven't rooted yet. Problem?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by silent1, Nov 16, 2003.

  1. Naughty, yup I've seen more leaf growth. They're tiny leaves, but that's prolly 'cuz I'm just using fluoros for now.
  2. floro vs hps or MH dosent make a diff besides yeild since they arent in the perfect spectrums. The rounded leaf isnt strain specific. It's how the plant re-veges and those cloes were in flower so your actualy re-veging your plant, well at least parts of it.

    When your supposed to take clones is before going into flower, a day after watering. Label the moms and the clones then put the plants into flower. after the plants show sex you know what clone is male or female. From there you can either throw the males or keep males so you can make some crosses or just contine a strain for future grows.

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