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Clone cuttings ?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Rh420__, Mar 15, 2016.

  1. [​IMG]
    What's up GC, I'm pretty new to growing and need some help. I plan on keeping this plant for a while to make a few clones, I'm wondering if I'm able to make these into clones ? I'd also appreciate any information, on what to and what not to do when cloning, watering schedules, nutes, how to clone, etc. thanks !

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  2. It looks young, have you sexed it yet?
  3. It's on day 24-25 since sprouted. I plan on making clones in like 2-3 weeks. I have not sexed it, how can I figure out if it's a male or female? Or would it be to early to determine sex?

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  4. Also, could I be able to keep clones under a 400w mh with dimmable ballast?

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  5. [​IMG] do you guys think I'll be good with just these items? Thinking of purchasing FF Happy Frog as well

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  6. you can use a couple of sexing methods, i would suggest waiting a couple more weeks to take clones or do any sexing// you can do just an observational test on your plants, if they're males they will look like the left if they're females they will look like the right, other way is to take a cutting and put it in water then force it to flower under 12/12. As far as keeping them under a 400 watts light might be too much, but if your ballast is dimmable I would suggest using the lowest setting once you clone, otherwise try getting a CFL setting for your cuttings. And you really only need to mist them for the first 1-2 weeks before you move them to a bigger container once they've rooted. What I like to do with my plants is take the cuttings and the submerge them in rooting gel and them put them in root riot cubes and then I have a little container that i put them in to keep the humidity high otherwise they dry out. I also use clonex solution to moist the cubes in. And in addition I use a warming mat. Once I can see the roots coming out of the cubes and then move them onto cow pots, i used to use peat pot until I ran into problems with the pots not disintegrating and root binding my plants and killing them. Just remembering that when moving the clones to a bigger container not to use a super big one because if you use a very big container you can suffocate the newly created root system. Good luck and happy growing!!![​IMG]
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  7. Yea I think I'll just wait a couple more weeks and see if I notice any signs of female or male. Do you think a 5000K 23w daylight CFL will do the job? I have four that are not being used. So what would I need after and during the cuts?

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  8. What about lighting schedule right after cut? And am I able to make clones with the areas that I circled red?

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  9. @ whoever is reading this. I placed an order on some Roots Organics original potting soil and Garden Safe Take Root rooting hormone, has anyone tried this method? Any advice and tips?

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  10. If you do get more info..please let me know I'm searching for info as well

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  11. Most definitely will

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  12. [​IMG]
    Just received my packages, now I need some help on when to clone! Can someone help me out?

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  13. [​IMG][​IMG][​IMG]
    Here are some pics. Day 27 since sprouted

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  14. Is say give them a week or two before you take clones and you might want to top so you get more branches to take cuttings off and basically you wanna cut a branch preferably lower ones and make the cut above the fan leave

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  15. How do I top if the nodes are so close to eachother? They're literally like 2-3cm away from eachother. Or does it matter if they're close to eachother ? @captainckidd

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  16. [​IMG]
    Getting really bushy

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  17. It doesn't really matter as long as you remove the top and if you're thinking about manifolding this is the time to do it you could make clones with whatever you take off the plant

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  18. Would cloning be the same as topping? And I have no idea what's manifolding. What about cloning size? I have 4 right now, three are like 3 inches from medium to top new growth and one of them are like 4 1/5 inches from the water

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  19. Each clone are about 1 1/2 inches deep soil, peat pellet and regular tap water with ph 6.2-6.4

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