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Clear the fucking bong!!!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by El Brossidente, Jul 2, 2010.

  1. SO many of my friends, and just other people I've seen smoke, won't clear their hits!!! If I can't clear it, I go back for it.

    This thought is directly after taking a HUGE hit, so big I had to go back for it, which is awesome because it's essentially like 1.5 hits!

    I can't stand my friends leaving whispy smoke all through the tubes and ash catchers. It stinks so bad when I notice and blow it out like 5 mins later... :(
  2. I hate this too. its so annoying when you go to take a hit and their is stale smoke in the bong...
  3. Just blow it out and keep smoking. God damn there is some picky ass smokers out there.
  4. People need to stop thinking they need to take the biggest hit they can to get high.

    dont even milk the bong all the way. Take small hits you get just as high and save more weed.
  5. Not true at aallllll. You'll get just as high, sure, but not all at once. There is no comparrison in taking one massive hit to 3 little ones.

    I've come from the other side too. I used to take tiny puffs until I learnt how to smoke properly.

    I don't brag about big hits at all, I just smoke them.

    As for blowing it out and keep smoking.... the smell? Remember? Yeah, I'm picky. It happens the longer I smoke. I keep getting nicer glass, and keeping it cleaner and cleaner, and little things like the stale smoke just start to get annoying.
  6. Man, sometimes you just gotta kick back, relax, and hit it how you gotta hit it. Who cares if a little smoke gets left behind. Just smoke with cool ass people and have a good time.

  7. Yeah but, I don't mind if they don't want to inhale it, at least blow it out the stem before placing it back for someone else to do it! Fair enough?
  8. shit.
    if they waste smoke i'd
    A. Teach them to hit it right and bitch at them till they get the hang of it.
    B. Kick them out of my sesh.
    C. start clearing all their smoke right after their hits lmao.
    Atleast it'll get you higher :hello:
  9. I don't see the big deal, if someone doesn't clear it that means more for me!
  10. Yeah, if it bothers you so much then clear the rest of their hit for them.
  11. It sucks having stale smoke to inhale, yeah, but it's more weed for me, or at least that's how I think of it. lol.
  12. I don't make a huge deal of it, but I hate stale smoke as much as the next guy (well, as much as someone who isn't new to smoking and can actually tell). If I see that the chamber isn't cleared (which is 95% of the time my roommate smokes cause he doesn't smoke often) I'll just tell them to finish their hit when they can.

    Plus, some bongs just plain don't clear very well unless you're experienced enough with that particular piece. Plus, if it's still cherried a little when you place the bowl back in, the chamber's guaranteed to get a little smoke left in it.

    Prior to taking a hit, I've just made a habit of clearing the chamber even if it doesn't look like their any/very much residual smoke in it.

    My rule of thumb when it comes to pet peeves with smoking is to just keep them to yourself. By pet peeve, I don't mean standard smoking do's and don'ts (e.g., cornering the bowl instead of torching all the greens in one hit). But things like clearing the chamber, the type of piece smoked out of, etc. should just be kept to yourself. Most pet peeves have a simple solution that doesn't require making a big scene with your friend.

    Just toke up, relax, and enjoy the high. I mean, that's the point right?
  13. I hate it so much whenever it happens around me the next thing heard is "Clear it or get outta the circle"
  14. Meh. Understandable angst. I don't mind it too much but I can see why you wouldn't want stale smoke making your beauty all stanky
  15. I have a question semi-related to this thread, but I don't wanna start a new topic. I've been smoking for a few months, but I've yet to use a bong. I'll probably be doing it soon, but I'm kinda intimidated. Stupid, I know. But I'm really unfamiliar with them. It seems like people take HUGE hits from a bong, compared to what I'm used to. I'll smoke my bowl, a one-hitter, or a joint. But when the bong is full, that looks like a LOT of smoke. Am I worrying about nothing, or what?
  16. Man... I did this last night!! :/
    My buddy brought over his big fuckin bong and his good homegrown shit and I took a bigger hit than I intended and I KNEW I wouldn't be able to clear it without chokin, so I passed it back quickly and croaked 'CLEAR IT FOR ME'

    I felt like a lil bitch.. I had to sit out of the circle for like 15 min, because that itch in my throat was lingering... my bad
  17. It's a house rule at my apartment to clear the bong before passing it. My piece is super easy to milk so people do it accidentally all the time, and then inhale what they can in one hit and try to pass it, still half-milked. I always say "Take a second, finish that shit up."

    It's just a principle I smoke by. If you leave stale smoke, you smoke stale smoke.
  18. It frustrates me because its a waste of weed. I don't care about the taste/smell
  19. Doesnt everyone go back to clear their hit if they don't the first time?
  20. yeah honestly, what need is there to complain about this....

    when people leave some smoke behind, it makes me smile, because i clear that shit *****!!!!! :bongin:

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