Howdy! I dont ask too many questions but since this was somewhat specific I gave the internet a good 5 minute look and gave up. My trichomes are I would say 90% clear and 10% amber but I have 0% cloudy trichomes. Is it normal to bypass the cloudy stage? I checked a few spots before I left for work, I found 3 amber trichomes everything else was clear, not even a tiny bit of cloudy. Its a CFL grow in soil, probably 250 or so watts (actual) I planted May 10th, flowering started about May 24th so they are in about 10 weeks into flower. Indica strain (broad leaf) Thanks all for the input Not a dire need question, but I just would like others input. Always good to know more.
Never heard of it,but up to 50% amber is fine.Actually its fine up to 100% amber then its starts degrading.