Cleaned my chillium

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by ilovecoheed, May 4, 2007.

  1. So i cleaned my chillium earlier with isipropyl and salt and evaporated the alcohol. Got a good small marble sized ball and loaded that with a little bud. Me and my friend are baked as fuck of it so meh it's all good. And to be honest, i've never seen my piece that clean. :smoke:

    Here's my bud curt: hey whats up? so heres what went down.

    so my parents went out of town today to go to my sisters track meet. and so i had josh over. n we smoked a bowl and then decided we need to clean his pipe so after we cleaned it we smoked it we it up some dame ciggs and walked through my yard, cause it looked like a forest and was hazy as fuck. bye

    longest run on. ever.

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