I smoke one after a bowl (when I am driving around), simply out of habit, and a nice little plus is that it gets the weed smell out of the car. I find that it is just nice.
dude they dont ruin ur high if anything they enhance it i personally enjoy a swisher or a regular cigar after i smoke weed....what ur saying is like saying smoking out of a blunt ruins ur high cuz u use tobacco to roll it
Yeah whatever man, to a non-smoker, tobacco is the shit when high. When I have only a little weed I don't roll a pinner, I roll a spliff-they're soo fucking sweet and they give you a crazy dizzy feeling that enhances your high for a few minutes
If you dont like mixing your weed with tobacco you would hate the way everybody smokes in Amsterdam. They mix up tobacco, weed/hash in the same joints! Its a great smoke, tastes great and gets you blazed.
I love a Black afterwards. Esp the new Black n Mild Cremes. I dont know if they're popular yet. I can only find them in the hood, Not in the burbs. They're delciously smooth.
everytime I smoke a cig while high, when i inhale it gives me this unexplainable shock to my head, i don't know what the hell it is, like my brain is saying "NO!" shit sucks, but never tried a menthol, those are smoother... think I'll try it tonight.
I love my usual post-bowl. It can bring my high way up. It's also nice if I don't have much bud cuz it adds a nice buzz on top of the weed high. - Parliament Lights For Life
smoking a cigarette after a few bowls is amazing I find it gets me way higher. Ive never heard of it ruining your high.
Amen to that! First time i hear someone says tobacco kill sur high,It enhances it in my state. Smoking a black right now to keep my high