Cigarette Shake?

Discussion in 'General' started by Emo Steve, Sep 23, 2007.

  1. What is it called when people buy a new pack of smokes and shake them, hitting the package into one hand? Also, why do people do this?
  2. its to pack the tobacco into the ciggerette, so the cherry isnt out of control sized
  3. its called packing and it does it to make the cig tighter so it burns longer.
  4. it helps the cigarette burn better/evenly
  5. What everyone else said, haha. With clove cigarettes You don't gotta do this. And packing the pack isn't always neccesary, although I always do.

  6. Its called packing the cigarettes. What it does is compress the tobacco thats in the cig so that (IMO) you don't end up with a cherry that falls off when you are trying to flick the ash ( due to the size of the cherry ) and since its packed tighter you can get more smoke with less pull.
  7. CLoves rock....
  8. Like said its called packing.

    But fuck my homie packs his shit like seriously close to a half inch.

    And talks shit on my packing, I pack em, But they jus go down a lil ya know, Compact it a lil and its all good, His shits redicoulus. He smokes a buncha pure paper first and it tastes like shit, I dont bum off him if im out anymore haha.
  9. Haha fuck that, I'd bum off him, just bite the paper off. Cigarette might taste a little nasty though. But I always have a pack so I'm not in that situation. :D
  10. :walks into thread:

    ......................Bout to go smoke a nicely packed Newport right now. :D

    .........................................................................................................:walks out of thread:
  11. don't u guys think that cigarette companies already pack the tobacco in tight enough? if not, why wouldn't they just pack it in tight enough so people don't have to do packing every time they buy a pack?

  12. it settles during shipping it would be pointless or have no effect on the cigs if they packed them how we wanted from factory I think not sure

    oh and some people don't like there cigs backed

    sorry imr ollin balsl right now shoudlnt be postihg at akk
  13. I don't pack mine. I just think it's pointless, either way I'm gunna get lung cancer.

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