Christians, if God talks to you, why won't he talk to me?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by primetime21335, Apr 16, 2008.

  1. Why do I have to create him in my mind first? Alls I want is a little chat, give me the chat and I'll believe. I'm not sure I'll warship, but I'll certainly believe.

    I mean, why did he give me logic in the first place and then expect me not to use it.

    I want to have a chat, aside from "believing" I have a chat, how can I get him to communicate with me?
  2. adsifojfopiasdojfoijodipasfjpiasjfopiadjpiofjioasfjp:eek:
  3. Please don't reefer to God as a him. Also, don't limit God to a males body.
  4. This thread is just asking for a really long "jesus loves you" speech...

  5. This always makes me wonder, whenever christians ultimatey have to state why they believe, they always relate back to some sort of "spiritual experience" that they could never explain

    Is the fact that the mind cannot explain what is going on justify the exsistence of god?

    I just wonder why god has never appeared for me, and told me to believe. You think that if you had an infinite amount of eternal time, that he could take 2 seconds to come say Hi.

    Oh shit I forgot, You have to have blind faith

    I don't know whether he exists or not, but I can certainly say these near-god experience are nothing but your imagination.
  6. please dont capitalize the word god as if it holds superiority to me.

    and if your gonna complain about someone's spelling/grammar,

    you might wanna check your own spelling, champ.

  7. Please answer my question.

    Did he not have sex with a virgin female? I thought Christians everywhere recognized god as a male creature.
  8. No, god's definitely a bitch.
  9. Define sex ?
    Yes, God can take the form of a male creature. God is not limited to a male human body.

  10. Well, sperm needed to be created right? Or did he just place a fetus in there? Wouldn't that go against the term "conception"? Must've been a male when he created Jesus right?

    So god can be female too and ovulate if he so chooses? God is a changling? Or is god just a spirit? Where are you getting this from exactly? I could of sworn the bible refers to God as a "he". Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    And you still won't answer the question. Why won't the man say something? You seem to know a lot, if God can do all of that why can't he talk to a person in very bad need of talking to?
  11. Because you touch yourself at night.
  12. Yes the bible refers to God as being a "he". I cannot tell you everything in the bible, has not been changed. There are theories, on why God was changed to a "he". Although I don't think, you would fancy them, as you would have to acknowledge extraterrestrial beings.

    God doesn't need to satisfy, atheists skepticism.
  13. Maybe God is talking to you, and your just not listening correctly...

    Oh, and whoever was getting in a pissyfit about the capitalization of the g in god, its a convention of the english language to capitalize the G in god whenever refering to the christian god, don't ask me why, its just the way it is.
  14. its also a convention to refer to god as a him,

    so whats your fucking point?
  15. First of all, its not a convention of the English language to refer to god as him, its a convention of the religion. God, when referring to the Christian god, is a proper noun, thus it must be capitalized (hey look i figured out why its capitalized).

    His comment was also just a stupid comment, while your's was a personal attack, which is uncalled for.
  16. no, it wasnt,

    if you notice i almost never capitalize because i dont think that certain things should be held "superior" to others.
  17. When it really comes down to it.... he/she/it doesn't exist. Maybe he DID exist, create the earth, and then vanish? I don't know, but if he does somehow exist, he doesn't do such a good job of protecting "life", the very thing he supposedly created. Does god exist? No. Even if god exists, does he really give a shit about whether you believe in him or not? No.
  18. wow. god backwards is dog. god is a bitch.
    Oh, and to Christians, they can say anything is real without proof. Like Jesus.
  19. My name is James. When I write it down, do I write james or James? Why is it any different for God? Capitalizing the word doesn't suggest a superiority, just that it is a name. If anything you should be arguing that Christians and Catholics are stupid and renamed their god when they switched languages. And now I'd rather be done with this pointless little dispute, it doesn't further the discussion and breeds animosity between you and me and everyone else.
  20. In response to the bold, sigh... That's about the best I should have expected. He's real, but he doesn't even care if I believe he's real or not.

    Of course he doesn't need to satisfy skepticism, but why would he not want to? It makes no sense. I have to believe I'm talking to him before I am even talking to him. Which means, I have to create it in my mind for it work. Oddly enough, I don't have to create anything in my mind to talk to you.

    I'm not really an atheist either. I don't know if there is a god or not. But every time I ask questions like these it always leads me to believe that organized religion like Christianity is complete bullshit. And their belief of who God is is also based on blind faith.

    And if God doesn't need to satisfy my skepticism, why do so many christians feel the need to? Including yourself, who is entertaining my questions. Is God too good for me now?

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