christianity the only way?

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by purplestar420, May 13, 2011.

  1. Lol...werd

    Attached Files:

  2. ok

  3. You don't have to call youself a christian to get into heaven. Just believe in Christ, within your heart, don't cast your pearls before swine, and follow the Christ. You never have to declare yourself a Christian. But rather a Christ's Disciple.
  4. Yeah then those people went on to conquer and became a great nation. Israel.

  5. I don't believe you, I believe that the nation of Israel was formed from the scattered peoples of the crumbled Caananite state.

  6. Whoever they are, nowadays, they're fuckin shit up.
  7. Tell her to grow the fuck up and read a new book
  8. Well according to the bible accepting Jesus is the only way to get to heaven, but I always wondered since Jesus died for our sins doesn't that cover every sin even if you don't believe he did? I personally believe he did. Also on judgment day what is god going to judge? Isnt the only way to get into heaven by believing him not by works? Also the whole planned parenthood thing is based off astrology which is telling and avoiding fate through the stars. So yeah planned parenthood would be a sin to. But you do have free will.

  9. Free will under the shadow of 'going to Hell' doesn't seem free at all...same as their reasoning for 'not practicing' birth control.

    The rituals/law that Catholics insist on doing is exactly what Jesus preached against to the Pharisees NOT to do.....bunch of hypocrites.

    I think that Jesus did what he believed was right....having been told he was thought was right, having been taught that he was the Messiah since his birth and miraculous well as all that lineage stuff.

    I dont believe in the entire reasoning of Christianity though...It is very limiting...and was a major stumbling block to my current understanding because my entire family is Christian. My mind will just not swallow that whole thing....its great for some though....but to me is just a different way of understanding the same Spirit.

    If I go to Hell for using the brain 'God' supposedly created for me to be it...Then He wasnt a God worth worshipping after all.
  10. My only hope is that you don't see ALL Christians this way. :)
  11. You don't have to submit to Christianity or Catholicism to go to heaven. You have to believe in Jesus as the Messiah and have Him Lord over your life. There's nothing about subscribing to Christianity in Romans 10:9-10 it's all about Jesus man. I don't believe Catholics teach the correct doctrine of Christianity, as you can see she believes people can be "good" when to God we are all equally evil and our "good deeds" are like filthy rags to Him. Psalm 14:2-3, Isaiah 64:6

  12. So speaking to you as a Christian myself, in all sincere interests, I'm interested in knowing "How much you know about the history of Christianity and the Bible?"

    You say you don't trust Catholic teachings to be correct, yet most of we we common accept as Christianity was guided and shaped by the Catholic Church throughout the ages prior to the Protestant reformation.
    And the Protestant reformation changed a lot of things, but mostly it was hierarchy and the access to the doctrine and not always the doctrine itself, such as the Trinity and Jesus being the same or similar to the substance of God.

    How do you bring your beliefs and the history together in harmony through seeming contradiction, albeit unintended and in trust?

    All that said, there are plenty other things with varied significance placed on the events like:
    What day Jesus died?
    When was the last Supper?
    What his mental state and reason was?
    Son of God vs Son of Man?
    When the curtain tore?
    How many times the temple's tables were over turned, if you look synoptically?
    Only 1 Gospel saying that miracles are signs of divinity vs showing what the apocalypse will bring (no pain= curing sickness etc)
    Only 1 Gospel saying he existed before time.
    Only 2 Gospels with a virgin birth.
    The different resurrection stories
    And others, without delving into the divergent Paul vs the Gospel ideas....

    For me there IS deep meaning in practicing the religion of Jesus, but I find it hard to find footing in the one about him.

    And I'm just wondering how you reconcile the Roman theology that you don't agree with, but has carried over to Protestant thinking directly and indirectly?


  13. But here's the problem - you're not Christian (not religious) if you don't follow the bias in the bible.

    So if anything, the neighbor is following the religion closer than you. And I mean that with no disrespect - it's just how it came out. :)

    But do you see what I'm saying? Fanatics/Zealots - they're all following their religions to the tee.

    So suffice it to say, the ones who are "half-assing" it are not the true Christians.

    "But you're a Christian if you follow Christ".

    Following Christ entails a lot more than just loving your neighbor and etc. I'm sure anyone who has read the NT knows how relevant the OT is - just some conditions have changed.

    So the Old Testament and those crazy commandments (way more than 10 - read Deuteronomy) are still relevant if you want to truly be a Christian or a Catholic. Or a Jew, or a Muslim.

    If you're not a fundamentalist, technically you're going to hell.

    Am I wrong? If I am, please tell me. :)
  14. When I say I don't trust the Catholic teachings, I am speaking of modern day Catholicism. I am well aware that Christianity has many foundational points which were shaped by the Catholic movement, but the Protestant would disagree with a Roman Catholic on numerous topics.

    I have studied Catholicism (not extensively) and what I have gotten out of their modern teachings is contradictory to what the Bible actually says. Many Protestant churches that I have gone to do the same exact thing.

    Mostly I disagree with their take on salvation. This leads to much heresy (non-salvific though) and false practices which the Jews were experiencing when Jesus arrived. They focus too much on works (and the Law) and believe one can "attain" salvation when Ephesians 2:8-9 says plainly it's by God's grace one is saved, not by works. I've also known about some Roman Catholic practices which are not Biblical, but I will have to dig up those sources in a bit. Some include sending certain prayers to Mary, confessing your sins to a priest rather than our High Priest, rituals which earn rewards, etc.

  15. I think there might be some subjective statements in there ;)

    To follow the Law or Not if you aren't Jewish before conversion was a hot topic between the Jerusalem Church and what Paul taught.
    Christianity was more of a sect of Judaism for the first 100 years or so.

    Matthew 22:36-40 is what the law of the prophet 'hang on' and to me this is what Jesus preached and how he confounded the Pharisees and Sadducees.
    He was urging people to remember the intention and heart of practicing in the first place over simple literalistic law following.

    No disrespect intended to your understanding, but this is mine.

  16. Thanks for your reply.

    What time frame is 'modern' in your opinion, as prayers to Mary, Confession and Good works= Salvation aren't 'new' in a way I perceive 'recent/modern', so I'm wondering if you can outline some of the things you are talking about in the 'modern' RC?

    "Our" jumps out at me, is this a cut/paste or typo or is it that you have been a member of the Roman Catholic Church?

    I appreciate your open, honesty about including the Protestant Churches into the 'contradictory teachings' dept. and would certainly agree generally speaking.

    Are there other references to 'attainment' as in Ephesians in other Christian Scriptures besides Romans 3:28, with particular interest in, if it can be found in the Gospel/Words of Jesus are you interpret them?

    I'm also very interested in how you compare that to James 2:24 which states that 'we aren't justified by faith alone' or compares to the whole book of James for that matter. I'd note I don't see James and saying it's ALL work either, and does appear to see it as faith AND works.

    Not trying to piss in your cornflakes for anything. Just enjoying the talking.

  17. The last time people listened to a Bush they ended up in a killing spree in the middle east :D
  18. Last time people listened to a bush, they got married. A derp.

    And speaking of burning bushes, how come the Christians aren't going crazy over THIS one? I'm talking about the bush at the end. Wouldn't that be considered an omen?? I'm 1/2 joking, BTW.

    [ame=]‪Motherfucking Bootleg Fireworks - Subtitled Version‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

    He said "Git the water, n*gga". That means he wants to extinguish God??? Ahaha
  19. By modern I mean current. Their teachings have changed a bit since they were established and I recognize the practices I listed are not "new", however they are still being practiced today and that's what I'm referring to when I say "modern".
    I was talking about Jesus man. Our meaning you and I, since you previously said you are also a Christian

    Well, to say one can "attain" salvation would contradict our necessity for a Savior due to our depraved state of being. I can show you some more Scriptures if it really peaks your interest.
    Ahh, yes. I believe faith and works go hand-in-hand. If you do "good deeds", but lack faith it's futile. Vice-versa. We are justified by faith, but not faith alone (Romans 5:1). The problem I have with the Catholic Church is they teach "works, rituals, etc" make you more spiritual and closer to God. When it's God who brings you near. (John 6:44) They are having the same spiritual problem the Church of Colosse had in the Apostle Paul's time.

    Me too man, I enjoy the discussion :)
  20. Just be a good person and try your best to be the best person you can be and as happy with yourself as you can be and i think you'll end up in a good place when you pass.

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