Chris Christie: U.S. Attorney General Holder wrong for not challenging pot law in Colorado, Washington

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by chzdgg, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. From:
    POINT PLEASANT BEACH - U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder issued a memo today saying the Obama administration would not challenge the decision by voters in Colorado and Washington to decriminalize marijuana possession - a move Gov. Chris Christie quickly criticized and called "a mistake."
    The U.S. Department of Justice released a memo to U.S. Attorneys across the country saying that said the federal government "will use its limited investigative and prosecutorial resources to address the most significant threats."
    "Based on assurances that those states will impose an appropriately strict regulatory system, the Department is deferring its right to challenge the legalization laws at this time," according to the memo. "Marijuana is and remains illegal under federal law.
    Christie, a former U.S. attorney, said that in his opinion Holders overstepped his authority.
    "I think it's a mistake by the Attorney General, frankly. There is no such thing as medical marijuana, it's just marijuana," Christie said. "He essentially by fiat legalized marijuana in Colorado and Washington.That's certainly something I would never do in New Jersey."
    "That's to be decided by the congress and president, not by the Attorney General," Christie told reporters during an unrelated press conference in Point Pleasant Beach.
    Christie has said publicly that he would never sign a bill pending in the New Jersey legislature if it ever reached his desk.
    New Jersey is one of 20 states and Washington D.C. that operates a medical marijuana program.
    Holder's decision is consistent with President Obama's statement after Colorado and Washington voters passed the ballot initiative, when he said federal government had “bigger fish to fry” than prosecuting marijuana users.
    I can't fucking stand this guy. He's definitely not getting my vote in the upcoming gubernatorial election or the 2016 primaries.

  2. While I agree with him that there is no such thing as medical marijuana just marijuana, honestly the whole mmj experiment is a joke. Its so unregulated, its a shame and quite frankly a slap in the face to patients who actually do need the medicine for real medical issues.
    I do disagree with his other views on MJ, it should be legalized on the federal level.
  3. It is so unregulated in certain states, but the latest medical states are typically overregulated to the point it can be difficult for the few patients there are to get their weed......and they aren't allowed to grow their own legally.
  4. Gov. Christie has no respect for public opinion or the will of the people.
    Let's hope the will of the people keeps him out of office!
  5. #5 SoulessStoner, Aug 30, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 30, 2013
    I fail to see where he said Holder was wrong for not challenging the laws. I only see A. Christie saying only Congress and the President should have the authority to change laws, and B.Your bias blinding you to the point of reading whatever it is you want to see.
  6. Christie makes it sound like he will have total reign over jersey forever. If the majority of the people want NJ to legalize marijuana it's going to have to happen.
    He said it was a mistake that Holder didn't challenge it. Bias? what?
  8. That's you taking words at face value and not delving into their meaning...or reading any further. 
  9. what a piece of shit, the people in washington and colorado VOTED for legalization. I'm so fucking tired of these federal cum sluts and their cock sucking ways. I hope people wake the fuck up soon, otherwise we'll all be on the chain like good little slaves.
  10. The fuck are you complaining about? The feds are supposedly going to leave those states alone. They made the right choice for once. Let's see if they stick to it. I won't hold my breath. 
    Did you watch the video? He says "I think it's a mistake by the Attorney General."
  12. I am curious to know thier definition of "most significant threats"
  13. They will stick to it. I just got an email from the Washington State Liquor Control Board Thanking Obama, Holder and others for finally clarifying the Federal stance on the Washington vote. This is real, Washington state now knows the Federal Government will not attempt to block the recreational scheme they are working hard to put in place. This decision has been a long time coming and now that Co. and Wa. have a green light from the Federal Gov themselves it is the final nail in the coffin for MJ prohibition in both of these states.
  14. For sure now, Springsteen will never let Mr. Christie play drums with his band!
  15. Christie is just doing his worst best to appeal to the GOP base.  He's a typical sleazy politician.  Just imagine what is going to happen if he is voted into the White House.  Cory Booker for President!   Let's put a gay man in charge.  (no he's not gay)
  16. Where are you from? The reason I ask is that it's too easy to proclaim things from one's own, often times limited range of experience. All medical states do not make it easy to get a card. :smoke:
  17. I have said this already but C. Christie is a cop at heart and brain washed to believe his brand of gov't is correct.  He will never change and with any luck and the will of voters he won't get another term as governor and god knows I hope he will never get into the white house.
    Totally agree with you there. His past as a U.S Attorney really shows.
  19. This guy will definitely be in the running for the White House in the primary.  He's in the GOP top 3 right now. Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Rand Paul and Governor Chris Christie, and Cruz has a big lead in popularity right now.  Cruz is a deft speaker with a growing following.  Think Obama in 2006.  I don't know that he appeals to the middle as much but that could change and he is half hispanic. 2016 will be interesting.
  20. Do you thing he'll ever be forgiven for his big Obama hug after Sandy?  That's gonna be a tough one for the base to overcome.

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