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Chong bubbler apprasial

Discussion in 'Bongs, Dab Rigs, Bubblers, Water Pipes' started by Acemaninc, Aug 18, 2019.

  1. Anyone know what pre arrest/raid Chong Glass Bubbler is worth ? It has the cartoon wart too
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  2. I can't speak for everyone, but I wouldn't ever buy a used piece. so for me $0 or is it brand new?

    either way how about a picture?
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  3. Not alot especially if it's been used.. people don't tend to buy used bongs as it's gross lol

    Dude I literally had my reply wrote out but forgot to hit send earlier lmaooo, I agree used bongs are fucking gross lol
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  4. If you found the right person and it is a legit chong piece probably 500-600 range possibly up to 1k depending on how rare it actually is. People buy used pieces ALL the time, you can clean them to bran new pretty easily. I don't understand what is so gross about a used bong if it has been cleaned. When I toked on a regular basis all of my glass looked new.
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  5. I wouldn't pay that much for a used bong ever.. I wouldn't care if it had been washed a 1000x that kinda money on glass that's pre-owned is ridiculous :laughing:
  6. While it's kind of interesting that u have a piece of his pre raid that doesn't mean it actually adds value to it. Trust me I used to watch a lot of pawn stars so I'm pretty much an expert.
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  7. $4
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  8. pictures, please

    also, check out some of the Chong Glass specific FB groups and ask about it
  9. Probably hundreds of billions!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Messaged you about it

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