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China Glass at gas stations?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by EnjoiKush, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. I know everyone looks down on these bongs and stuff that you see at gas stations, but there's this hadji gas station near my home that sells tons of bongs, obviously thin china glass.

    My question is: Whats so bad about them besides they're thin? Do they hit bad, orrrr?
  2. They aren't all bad, in fact many of the designs (that are knock offs) hit just as well. Just many of them are very fragile and are not constructed with the higher quality boro glass which not only looks better but resonates overall as a better smoking device. The feel of a strong glass piece just relaxes you when you smoke too, knowing it isn't going to shatter in your hands or if dropped or banged slightly. As a smoker you're just more confident with something in your hands that isn't a ticking timebomb to break.

  3. Just the quality of glass isn't as great as american glass and to me morally I'd rather support someone in my own country when I have the choice to.
  4. Oh true, that would make sense. Higher quality glass. I own several bongs though, and only smoke with 2 other people, one being my girlfriend the other being my best friend. They've never dropped or banged any of them, and I've never broken one. I have some money to blow and I was thinking about test driving one of the knockoff percolated ones there.

    I'm pretty confident I won't ever break it, but if I don't like it I'm probably gonna go smash it on the sidewalk.
  5. Also wanted to say that when I'm passing around a china glass piece in a session with others, whether it be that of my own or someone else's, I just can't help but focus on the piece and how it's being handled by others, worried it will break. It can cause someone to be uptight....

    With that all said, you can get a pretty good bargain on china glass that is of a function design.
  6. Same shit to me to be honest. I think all my bong purchases were china made or custom from a seller. Gets the job done.
  7. I have a Cheech Glass double honeycomb percolated bong. It's a direct copy of a PHx costing 3x the price I paid for it. I've hit a PHx, mine does just as well and looks great. It's Chinese imported glass that's then assembled in Canada and sold as Canadian "made". But still one of my favorite pieces, hits extremely smooth and isn't all that fragile tbh.

    Then again I have another bong from a lhs that is so obviously chinese made and sold for a 300% markup. My first water bong, so I didn't know as much then.... I don't think I've lit it up in months, but it did the job when I did.

  8. Pretty shady headshop it sounds like :(
  9. Ive gotten a rubber grommet glass bong, bubbler , a glass spoon and a chillum. from the gas station. The chillum was $4 and I still use it all the time. The spoon was $5 and I gave it away and bought a better one. The bubbler was $12 and it cracked in half without even dropping it (temperature change). The bong was $20 and works decently but it has a carb instead of a sliding piece which kinda sucks.

    If your just looking for a cheap piece that you don't care if its broke or lost then go with the gas station but don't expect great quality for cheap prices.

  10. This gas station doesn't have any bongs or bowls that low quality... they're all GonGs. Just clearly very thin.

    I'm a careful person though, so I'm gonna test drive one later on today, I've got some money to spend.
  11. It's probably unlikely, but you also run the risk of buying lead contaminated glass. Personally I think it's worth it to spend a few more bucks and get the good glass. I've dropped my bubbler so many times and it's still going strong. :hello:
  12. #12 Guanaco775, Jan 4, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 4, 2013
    Before you buy
  13. 100$ at my quickie mart 12in. Water pipe ( no gas stations do that in reno) but the glass is thick come with a domed coil condenser. He hooked it up with a matching fat bowl and a diffused downstem. It's a trooper! .......but check if it is warped before you

    Attached Files:

  14. What are those beads in it? I just bought one, came with a diffused downstem, 6 arm perc 12 slits and a fatass bowl. 60 dollars. Doesn't seem TOO thin, but it is kind of thin. About to break her in. Pics soon.
  15. [quote name='"EnjoiKush"']

    What are those beads in it? I just bought one, came with a diffused downstem, 6 arm perc 12 slits and a fatass bowl. 60 dollars. Doesn't seem TOO thin, but it is kind of thin. About to break her in. Pics soon.[/quote]

    Yea I got me some but way cheaper then the ones ment for bongs but there just non toxic water beads ....where you get it at?
  16. [quote name='"Guanaco775"']

    Yea I got me some but way cheaper then the ones ment for bongs but there just non toxic water beads ....where you get it at?[/quote]

    are those the beads that keep res from collecting on the side? those are sick.
  17. Laptop cameras broke, but I cant take picture :(
  18. The beads assist in diffusion

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