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Chest Pain from smoking?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by DemonicGman, Dec 30, 2011.

  1. So just now (5 minutes ago), I got some weird chest pains in the center of my chest right where the ribs connect. They went away really fast but it freaked me out since I think I've only had it happen once before. I haven't smoked today, but I've been smoking at least once a day almost everyday for roughly a year now (smoked in high school, but not nearly as much as in college).

    I was just wondering if anyone else gets this sometimes. I'm pretty certain its nothing and probably caused by stress (new job, college, etc.) but I just wanted to check and see.

    I love smoking, so I'm not trying to "scare" people or point out a negative of weed. Thanks for your responses.
  2. Yeah I've had it.
    Not sure what it was, but it wasn't as like "the heart" or anything, more centered.
    Nothing came of it, but effects like this were one of the reasons I went off smoking, just didn't need to worry about a problem that might or might not be.
  3. I've had this a few times, it's a panic attack. From my experience, just lying down till it's over is the only way to overcome it. I actually had a panic attack from weed on christmas eve, and it almost ruined it for me :( But I just layed down on the couch with some relaxing jams for 20 mins and I was back to normal happy-go-lucky high :D
  4. I thought panic attacks were more like a "tightness" in the chest, a shortness of breath?
    He's experiencing discomfort...could be something else...
    My theory is that your body doesn't like smoke.
    Demonic - Do you smoke cigs too, or is weed the only thing?
  5. Good responses. Thanks to all of you. Thanks everyone.

    I have smoked a few cigs scattered around, but not like everyday, or even once a month. I smoked hookah as well a few times last semester, but I'm not sure if its enough to get any tar or toxins in my lungs.
  6. Then I'd say if you're only doing it that often, just don't do that.

    I was thinking you're probably experiencing these effects more as you're a non-smoker generally speaking...which seems like the case.
    Your body is just not as used to smoke as say, someone that smokes more/cigs.
    But yeah if you have any legitimate concerns just get to a GP when you can, get them to take a listen to your chest and describe your symptoms. You can even say it happened when you smoked weed and as I understand it they can't really get that information out.
    But yeah, a docs appointment may ease your mind some and they might be able to better explain what is happening and why.
  7. @randomthoughts, thank you. I'm much less worried after reading your post(s). Good to know there are some good people on GC. Same to the people who posted above.

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