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Chemically Smelling weed? Smokes good and tastes alright?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by dudeweedloll, Aug 11, 2019.

  1. Hey guys I made this account to ask this question because I don't feel like dying.

    I just got some bud and it looks really decent but when I smelled it, I could immediately notice a slight chemical smell and did not smell like anything I've smelled from a bud before. Now I've had exotics all the way to gross schwag and not once have I smelled chemical so I'm a little paranoid.
    Now it's really weird why anyone would spray chemicals on the bud because it's already good looking bud and it gets you high.

    I decided to smoke it up in a blunt and it did taste very slightly what it smelled like, kind of how any good bud would. But I don't know if I'm smoking chemicals or I'm smoking good bud. It does slightly taste like the chemical smell but it's not a bad taste at all and I don't mind it so I just wanna make sure I'm not getting some bullshit.

    Anyone ever get something like this, it smells like pine sol or some shit lol
  2. Chemdawg lol
  3. Here's some pics

    Attached Files:

  4. It was laced with mids

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