Check out this FREEEE setup that was given to me.

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by vailtoker2012, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. Yeah its not the greatest setup, but to be given this for free, just because, is pretty damn sweet. I'm super pumped about it, and can't wait to toke up. Goin to see Phish tonight, so we'll see. HAHA:D:D

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  2. your right not the greatest but not bad for free... wait is that pipe made out of deer antler?!?! if it is I'VE GOT TO FIND ONE!!!

    how does that bud smoke it doesn't look great but hey if it gets you hi!
  3. is that weed? not to be rude but that hsould be smoked in a blunt or turned into BHO
  4. +1

    looks brown to me
  5. look into getting some better quality weeeeddd
  6. Your weed needs to be thrown into the trash. Apart from that, nice gift!
  7. Whoa whoa whoa, ok so his weed isn't trainwreck but he will definitely get high. Snobs need to back off... everyone doesn't always have access to super danks!
  8. does not have to be dank, although it should...but that said, that shit is not even worth the damage to the lungs
  9. I'd smoke it...
    it would probably get you decently stoned
    fuck the haters man hope you enjoyed the concert
  10. How'd you get that as a gift? If it's been sitting like that they buds may be dry, but no need to toss them out!! They're still gonna get you high. But heck yeah, I would gladly receive that as a gift any day.
  11. I'd smoke it too, but would prefer to have that rolled up in a phatty blunt.
  12. because dank is magically sacred and doesnt harm the lungs one bit while regs totally tar up ur shit and give u cancer? right?

    to the OP nice kit looks antique haha did u get it from an old friend or someting?
  13. OK GUYS I DON"T KNOW IF YOU SAW THE TITLE ABOUT THE BUD, AND EVERYTHING. ITS FREE. I DIDN'T PAY. AND ITS ACTUALLY NOT TOO BAD. And yeah it was an older friend that hooked me up. Also it does look super old school, not only cause it is, but even more cause the only place we could find to stash it at the moment was in some cigar boxes.

    ps PHISH WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Brought out the trampolines!

  14. just smoked that about an hr ago, and its pretty dank, really heady high, and a little indica. It looked browner in the pics, but was pretty green. its also really dry.
  15. god damn im dissapointed. not in your set haha but i thought it said check out this FREEEK setup and i was looking forward to some crazy glass!

    but nice wooden pipe dude love those, old times, old times..
  16. yep keepin it oldschool, the one is elk antler, not even wood., and sorry for the disapointment. Someday i'll post some "freeeek glass""
  17. cool man this rip goes to woody the pipe
  18. Why do you guys have to diss on the weed? I mean im not rying to sound like a total bitch, but i cant help but wondering why you guys think everyone has the money and resources for the best, if only the world worked that way, it would be so much differnt.
    nyway nice box and everything, i like that little wood pipe, and i dont think i have EVER said that about something that isnt glass. +rep and dont let those so called 'snobs' get you down

  19. Thank YOU!!, and yeah i love the little Phish pipe. Its great, and actually hits pretty smooth.

    Hopefully next semester at CU i'll have some money to get some high mids, or something. we'll see. The weed was free too, so i can't complain. and i guarantee anybody hatin on it would smoke it just like me if it was given to them.
  20. Hell yea, thats my favorite price; free.
    I mean if someone was smokin you up, and all they had was some mids, would you really turn it down? most people would feel insulted if you said no due to the quality of their free weed.

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