Cheap bucket

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by Keepin_it_green, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. Hey I'm trying to setup a dwc system and I can't find ne where to find black 5 gallon buckets for a reasonable price. If u got ne suggestions that would be great!
  2. Just go to home dePot and pick up on of their orange ones for like 4bux with a lid and get some foil tape to keep light out. BUT if you really have to have a black one hydro shops sell em. You can even get the lids with net pots already in them
  3. Go to fire house subs, or any sub shop that buys pickles by the 5 gallon bucket. firehouse charges like 2 dollars as a donation to firefighters, other places might be free. Home depot is like 5-7 bucks
  4. you can get 5 gal. buckets from painters for free. If the paint is still wet thats best just dump out the paint and wash it OR let it sit for a day or two (open) and just peel out the paint in one piece.

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