Changing the rating system's (heart) Icon from "friendly" to "love"?

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by Lemonfox69, Oct 1, 2019.

  1. Hello!

    So i been thinking about this for some time now and i thought i could ask because it just doesn't seem right that the (love heart) symbol on the rating system, the translation is (friendly) and doesn't seem to to go hand in hand in many posts and reactions, especially when you love a post.

    I was wondering if you guys could change your (Heart) Rating to "Love" instead of "Friendly"? or "Love It"?
    I personally believe it would work so much better in most situations and makes more logical sense than "friendly".

    @Lizard King If you may check this out :)
  2. Any suggestions for the rating system are welcome. I'll be taking note of them all so that we can perhaps make some changes. :)
  3. I really think we need a dislike button. When a poster shares bad news with us, there is nothing to check.
  4. There is a disagree button but i guess it wouldn't work in all situations.
  5. Thank you :)
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  6. I WAS GOING TO SAY THE SAME a button for "sad"..or "heart-broken"............for posts like......."well, my plant turned male........or.............I think I have the flu......
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. That's what the heart is for. I like the heart as friendly. I don't think it should be changed.

    But I do think we should bring back the optimistic button. And possibly introduce the beer button. And maybe dislike too...
  8. Friendly TO ME is like.......oh that was great info....very kind of you.............and a sad button I would use for................I am sick and throwing up every 20 mins............very different to me.
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  9. I use friendly to show I'm being empathetic to the struggle...
  10. They definitely need a Love one cause sometimes Like is not enough :D
    I use the heart when i really like something but it shows up (friendly) a looks silly sometimes. Maybe if the "description" doesn't show up, would probably be better.
  11. I hardly ever use the friendly button. I use it for new people when they say it's their first time here and hope to make some new stoner friends. that is friendly.

    Somebody saying they had to put their dog down, or lost their job-that is not friendly. That is not disagree either. It's dislike.
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  12. I wouldn't use dislike for those circumstances. I use friendly. Because I'm not disliking what they had to say, I'm reaching out a friendly hand to say I'm here for you...
  13. That it interesting how we both interoperate the symbol differently. I like your take on it!
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  14. Its funny you see it like this, are you on any social media? It feels almost wrong for me to click a heart - which always means love - when someone gives bad news.

    We need a sad
    A love
    Remove creative because how much is that really used anyway? That could change to "interesting" or something?

    Shouldn't we have some sort of weed reaction?? Smoke weed every day, ima light one up for you, etc etc?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Whole lot of over thinking going on in here...
    • Funny Funny x 1

  16. We need an "overthinking" button!!!! :laughing:
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  17. It is interesting how everyone sees things differently though. I'll be straight up, I change my ratings all the time because I'm not happy with the choices so this is a good discussion for me.
  18. Screenshot_20191005-080611_Google.jpg
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