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Champagne pickup ~ Ontario budzz !!!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by sifika, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. Some real nice buds :smoking::bongin:








    Some Kiefffffffff !! :D


  2. looking good
  3. 905? Hamilton or Burlington mah nig?
  4. Neither yo, Mississauga is where I'm at !

    Thanks yawbus :smoking:
  5. looks like some sure dank!
  6. ^ Indeed it is, smoking a blunt of this right now ! :smoking:
  7. Looks like PRIMO weed man, how much did that cost ya.. Happy getting lifted :bongin:
  8. It's unbeleivable how popular Champagne is in the GTA. Whoever is growing it is really cleaning up.

    Looks bomb man.
  9. I'm an hour north and can't find anything this good. Maybe I should drive down...
  10. Lol, my boy in hasn't been able to find any Champagne either.
  11. Yeah, Champagne has recently been released. Not bad I say, not bad. It has a citrusy smell to it, if I recall.
  12. Hey bro il trade you some jack diesel for some of that champagne ahah. Looking real nice though dude, great pickup.
  13. I live in Ontario and I haven't heard about champagne until about 2 weeks ago when my guy said he picked up a QP and it was really crystally so i bought an 1/8th and it was really nice. The high lasts along time, and it feels really happy.
  14. There is definitely more than 1 person growing it in the area. The guy I got this from I know personally, he grew 3 1/2 LB's dried. I have seen a very similar looking Champagne in North York area for a decent price as well, some popular stuff.

    Thank you for the compliments everyone !
  15. nice man im like 35 mins away..heard of tottenham?
  16. say word to the Ontario nuggz man! :hello: looks similar to some shit ive been smokin on, I think Champagne might be the name of this "no name" i currently have! :eek:

    either way man, dank foliage, happy toking :smoke:
  17. Tottenham in tecumseth?? Yeah I've been once or twice to skate some street, it was a nice town. Any good budds down there?

    Thanks man! :bongin::hippie:
  18. im in north york
  19. Stealth bombers! :p

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