Chakra test

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by windchime159, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. Root:\topen\t(19%)
    Third Eye:\tunder-active\t(6%)
  2. Let me put it this way, if your chakras were messed up, you would experience spontaneous human combustion lol.

    All of your chakras are perfectly fine and open, else you would be experiencing some form of spinal disease or paralysis. The Base/Muladhara chakra is the only one that's "active" in most if not all of you, and if any other chakra were active you would know it, because if the 2nd/sacral/swadhistana chakra were activated you would be able to project energy from your body to heal/kill people as well as perform many other "miracles" that aren't miracles by definition, as they are all easily explainable by laws of metaphysics, although new age metaphysics are again a whole lot of crap lol. Get your books from 1970 and earlier original publication wise please lol, I'd be more than willing to link you to enough books that will keep you busy reading for the next 15 years and give you real information, just PM me if you'd like them.
  3. your always mentioning that the new age is all crap , im guessing thats the whole "age of aquarius , global conciousness shift theory" , what makes you think its so full of shit?

  4. There is some good stuff in new age teachings, but it's buried in twisted truths or altogether fallacies.

    As far as a global shift in consciousness, I'm not well versed enough in astrology to say, but I do know that as far as ages go, there is no sudden all at once transition, the shift takes place over a couple hundred years.
  5. #25 One Truth, Oct 1, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 1, 2010
    Root: under-active-12
    Sacral: under-active(-12%)
    Navel: open(38%)

    Heart: under-active(12%)
    Throat: open(44%)

    Third Eye: over-active(81%)
    Crown: open(62%)

    edit: just read into these chakras more, my results are intriguingly fairly correct. of coarse an internet quiz isn't going to tell you point on if much of anything. or it could be a coincidence.

    no matter this delusion is fueled deeper
  6. i study astrolgy alot and there is too much truth in it to all be crap , and there is always layers of bullshit clouding even the simplest of truths

    and btw did you get my PM message about the difference between the principles polarity and gender?? its really got me lost

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