Cfl, Scrog, Blue Widdow, 2Nd Grow, Custom Cabinet

Discussion in 'Micro Grows' started by Theunderling, May 25, 2013.

  1. Hi everyone,
    Name: TheUnderling
    Location: Northern Cali 
    Grow Number: Second grow to date.
    Lights: 6 x 65 Watt CFL, Box says emulates 300.
    Grow Box: is 4'x4'x3', It stands about two feet off the ground.
    Strain: Blue Widdow
    Project Start: Mar , 31, 2013
    Nutrients: Earth Juice, Bloom, Stylistic, and Grow
    About the Project
    I bought the clones from my local clinic for 25 $ per clone. Normally I would think that this was very expensive, but several things lead to the cost, bought out of season, they were about 18" tall at purchase and they had all be topped once. This was done well also, 2 of the clones have 4 main nodes and 2 have  3. I built the grow box out of 2x4s that I had left over from another project, the hood is cardboard, sandwiched with some sheet wood, all covered in foil, this is held up by an adjustable rope system to allow for raising the lights as needed. I bought the lights from my local Home Depot for about 16-17 dollars each, plus 3-5 dollars in fanciers per light. The plants are in smart pots and they sit on a grate that sits in a troff for drainage. The soil was prepared by a friend of mine and contains, blood meal, bone  meal, pete moss, some sort of bark, he said something about the dry sea beads in Florida, and other stuff. 
    Here is some photos.


    Attached Files:

  2. Looks sick man, definitely looking forward to seeing how this turns out.
    As for the soil, I'm the guy that made it. It's got peat moss, perlite and compost as the base medium. I added blood meal, bone meal, Azomite rock dust, Jersey green sand and worm castings. Waters once a month with Sea-90 to boost the trace minerals even more.
  3. lets see some flowers
  4. Hey guys, Here is an update. 1 Month into flower

    Attached Files:

  5. They look great
  6. Attached Files:

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