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CFL Grow

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by dc64, Mar 30, 2016.

  1. Moneymaker Strain
    4 40W CFLs
    2 42W CFLs For Veg
    Coco coir
    3 Gal Pot
    Hydro grow foliage nutrient
    Cal/Mag supplement
    Tap water Ph. 5.5-6.5
    25 days since seedling

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  2. Day 26 from seedling 2 days after repot, I moved the grow lamp about a foot away after repot once new growth comes in I will move the CFLs about 4 inches away again but I think she is still in a bit of shock.

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  3. Nice grow shame about the strain

    good luck
  4. this is just my practice one. I will buy better strains the better I get at growing but I only grow one at a time as for my own personal use.
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  5. 3 days after repot, showing just a bit of stress, I will keep the lights about a foot away while waiting for coco coir to dry, once I see new growth will bring lights back down. hoping to go into flower time 4/15. I panicked and thought after repot she might wither and die so I germinated another but not sure how I will grow 2 plants 1 month apart under the same lamp as the first plant will be in 12/12 and the younger needs 18/6.
    I did buy a Carson Zorb 480 magnifier to see the trichrome's on a computer screen when time comes.

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  6. still a bit stressed from repot but looking better everyday. soil is almost dry, will wait a couple more days before adding nutes. lights are still a foot away, easing her into the intense light again. hopefully begin 12/12 schedule 4/10 or 4/15

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  7. You DO NOT need to give nutes yet. When you repotted that plant into a larger pot with fresh soil, you got a fresh supply of nutes in that soil. Don't give nutes until the plant has been in that particular container for awhile to give it a chance to use up what's in the soil naturally. Give them too soon and you will fry your plant. Hint: When you're bringing them up from seedlings, confining the space they must root into will make the foliage grow faster. In other words, putting a tiny little seedling into a HUGE pot of soil only slows everything down since the foliage is just going to sit there until the root system is developed before it grows much. Confining the amount of space the plant must root into, gets it done faster and gets the foliage back to growing faster. Also, any time you repot a plant, it stresses it a bit. But, it does the same thing with every repot....develops roots first. Just give it time and don't pour a bunch of chemicals into it and fry it. Get in the new grower threads here and do some reading. Lots of posts just for the new inexperienced grower that contain the very basics that anyone should know BEFORE they germinate even one seed....but rarely ever do. People put hours and hours and hours of time and thought into creating their grow "setup" and often spend very little time actually researching the correct way to grow these plants. There is a method and the more you know in the beginning, the less stressful the grow will be. Good luck! TWW
  8. I am using coco coir, I read that coco has really no nutrients and that the plant will get its nutrients from what I give it.

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