CFL Grow My First Plant

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by KnowledgeWorthy, Oct 16, 2014.

  1. Fire Og Day 27 4rm seed 1 small fan & 1 exhaust 1 intake fan 3 cfls 41w 4000L Daylight bulbs 3inches away, FF Soil Amazing Root stimulator & FF Big Gro for nutes distilled watering pH 7.0 1/4 of both nutes every other watering... I water every 3 days 81 F average 41% rH average 7.3 pH average growbox 1.5 ' x 1.5' x 3.5' tall
    Stunted growth from transplanting too early & damaging bottom roots... I also cut branches off from 2nd node from being deformed soon as I topped at the 3rd node alot of new growth came in... I used white ties to hold top 2 leaves up so under could get maximum lighting.... New Growth Looks Good But Weird!
    just trying to get about 20 grams ill b happy
    :) its day 27 should I start flower now or should I let it grow more b4 12/12? Cant get alot of info on here so I put pics together... hope it works... any feedback I receive is greatly

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  2. Sorry for the multiple same pic posts... cant delete... here is progress from day 4 to 27... it only looks like 2 nodes but its 3... the 2nd node is deformed and shriveld in so I clipped them

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  3. Any suggestions or tips for this plant
  4. Definitely let it go longer it seems really small for being that old. You wouldnt get more than 7 grams off that if you flowered now at the most. Idk if your trying to get light on the bottom of the leaves but it only takes light through the top
    • Like Like x 1
  5. Lol...No I have 4 tops growing under the 2 fan leaves and they werent getting alot of light thats why the fan leafs are lifted...
  6. yea, like he said, you will wanna veg it longer to get more size before flipping. Good luck!
  7. ...and stop clipping, lol
  8. :) yea I know... no more for the time being... I will do sum LST once the new tops grow out more to maximize light potential.... thank you for tha tips
  9. Day 41 Day 6 flower I found this... smh its koo will get a lil hash or give it to a friend for pollen bye bye fire OG! :(

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  10. Wut else possibly is there to do with a male plant besides pollination & hash
  11. Chop and bury?
  12. Why not take a cutting from it and next female you find, flower the cutting with it and end up with lotsa nice seeds that could have infinite possibilities? :3
  13. I would have to create a whole other grow room for that... I have 6 more no worries... just hope the odds are not aginst me.... my set up....

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  14. If you have 6 plants you'll be fine. You only need 1-2 females for a room that size. I have a CFL grow, myself. Click my signature picture to see it. I also have a Strawberry Cough CFL grow going on top of that.
  15. The end...
    lol thought I could make hash but its no THC this early...:blink:

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  16. Why are all your leaves snipped in half?

    You seem a bit scissor happy...
  17. Needed to make room as u can see from grow space
  18. Plus those leaves wont really matter later anyway...

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