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CBD Concentrates CBD RSO oil recipe

Discussion in 'CBD Oil' started by Luks1984, Jun 13, 2022.

  1. #1 Luks1984, Jun 13, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2022
    Hey everyone !

    How can i make cbd rso from industrial (legal) hemp ?

    How many grams, how many liters of isophrophyl alcohol, and which rice cooker to buy ?

    Do i have to decarb industrial hemp or not ? Cause i heard you don't need to decarb if you're using a rice cooker..

    What can i do with one pound of industrial plant ?

    I am planing to do this with a rice cooker.

    I would like to have at least 10 to 15 ml of strong cbd rso, if not more.

  2. Howdy. Surprised no one answered. Each Oz of plant material returns around 2ml of oil. So one pound will return about ~60ml total. Yes, you do have to decarb. Rice cooker is one of many devices. You can use that to do the bulk reduction by boiling off the alcohol. Once you are ready for the final reduction, find a cooking appliance that has a Thermostatic power cord. Griddles, Skillets, Fondue makers, use this cord. It give accurate heating. You want the device to hold 250f for the duration of the final reduction and decarbing. Here's a video showing how to make clean oil.
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  3. As a nursing student, I found the information on drugs and CBD in medicine provided on Nursing and Healthcare Questions and Answers to be incredibly informative and eye-opening. I had heard about the use of CBD in managing chronic pain, anxiety, and other conditions, but I had no idea about the potential drug interactions that can occur. The website provided clear explanations and examples of how CBD can affect the metabolism of certain drugs and how it can lead to adverse effects. I also appreciated the discussion of the different types of drugs and their classifications, which helped me better understand how they work in the body. Overall, this website provided me with a better understanding of the complexities involved in prescribing medications and the importance of carefully considering all factors when treating patients.
  4. Hi Sol,

    That question is better answered in the Medical Marijuanna forum. This thread is more about the mechanics of making oil, not the larger picture of how to use the oil. here's the forum ..

    Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications

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