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Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Storm Crow, Oct 29, 2014.

    \tCBD Protective Against Ebola VirusBy David Allen M.D.
    There is good scientific evidence that cannabinoids, and in particular Cannabidiol (CBD), may offer control of the immune system and in turn provide protection from viral infections (4). Cannabis has already been recognized to inhibit fungus and bacteria and can be considered a new class of antimicrobial because of the different mechanism of action from other antimicrobials. (1)
    Ebola is a complex RNA viral organism that causes the cell to engulf it by pinocytosis, and then the virus hijacks the cell to replicate itself. This replication can involve many mutations in the RNA code that make it difficult to impossible to create an effective vaccine. There are U.S. Patents showing evidence that Cannabinoids have significant anti-viral activity. (3) (4)
    Normally any virus infected cells will produce surface proteins that are identified as foreign. The Immune system attacks these cells when the surface protein is identified as foreign.  The Ebola virus infection causes the cell to produce proteins that hide the virus from the immune system. The viral proteins are sterically shielded, i.e. “hidden” from view, thereby hindering cellular (and thus viral) destruction by the immune system.  This mechanism allows the RNA virus to hide the infected cell by shielding it from view from the immune system.
    The cause of death by this virus is the body's own immune response to the viral infection. This is what causes the mortality and morbidity of this infection.  Subsequently, the virus triggers the immune killer cells to release the enzymes (cytokines) they hold. This release of enzymes causes other lymphocyte to release even more Cytokines in a Storm of release.
    This is properly termed a Cytokine Storm.
    Causes small blood clots to form in all arterioles, called; DIC or Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation.
    Causes a massive Coagulopathy where the blood will not to clot properly simultaneously with the DIC (Bleeding and clotting occur at the same time.) Toxic Shock Syndrome occurs when the cytokines release causes the blood vessels to dilate to such an extent that a shock state exists.
    Cannabinoids are proven to reduce and prevent Toxic Shock and DIC (2)
    [​IMG]    The Ebola virus also attacks the adhesions between cells caused by the immune Killer cells to release of VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) which result in the destruction of the Tight Junction between cells and causes a fluid leakage between cells until bleeding occurs. The inhibition of VEGF by cannabinoids prevent the cellular junctions from haemorrhage.
    Cannabinoids Inhibit VEGF and inhibit Glioma brain tumors growth by this mechanism. (6) It is reasonable to predict that inhibition of VEGF and other Cytokines by Cannabinoids during an Ebola infection will help the survival of this deadly disease.  (6 and 7) Stopping the release of Cytokines will be a key feature of treatment of this deadly disease.
    The discovery and application of the Endocannabinoid Signalling System is proving to be the control of virtually all diseases of mankind. Cannabinoids are emerging as a new class of drugs that treat infections of bacteria, fungi and virus by different mechanisms of action not found in any other class of drug. (1)
    Cannabinoids are proving to have significant cidal (killer) activity to many viruses, including hepatitis C and the HIV virus. Cannabinoids down-regulate (inhibit) the immune response to the infection (2) (3). The cited U.S. Patents (3 and 4) are proof that cannabinoids inhibit many different virus strains from replicating. These patents also prove cannabinoids decreases the body's immune over stimulated response to the viral infection.  Claims that are made in these U.S. Patents include the following:
    (refer to patent for exact quote.)
    • A method of treating HIV disease by the direct inhibition of viral replication using a cannabinol derivative of claim 2. (see patent)
    • The cannabinol derivatives of claim 10 wherein the cannabinol derivative of claim  is used to treat HIV disease by the direct inhibition of viral replication. (see patent)
    • A method of treating diseases of immune dysfunction which are the result of infectious origin such as Simian Immunodeficiency Virus, Feline Immunodeficiency Virus, Herpes Simplex virus, Epstein-Barr virus, Cytomegalovirus, hepatitis B and C, influenza virus, rhinovirus and mycobacterial infections using the cannabinol derivatives of claim 2. (see patent)
    • This United States Patent, proves cannabinoids treats this immune dysfunction that becomes what is known as a Cytokine Storm caused by different viral infections. (4)
    In Summation; The US Patents prove down regulation of the immune system by cannabinoids may be a key in survival of HIV and may indeed translate into survival for Ebola patients. The direct Killing or Cidal effect of Cannabinoids is proven in HIV infections,(4) but not yet in Ebola. Inhibition of VEGF is crucial to prevent endothelial leakage and haemorrhage.
    Because cannabis is so very safe especially under doctor supervision, I believe it is crucial for the medical community to start human trials on survivability of Ebola infected patients regardless of the political restraints.
    David B. Allen M.D.
    retired Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgeon
    Medical Director, Cannabis Sativa, Inc. (
    1)   Antibacterial Cannabinoids from Cannabis sativa: A Structure−Activity Study Antibacterial Cannabinoids from Cannabis sativa: A Structure−Activity Study; Giovanni Appendino et al. The School of Pharmacy, University of London
    2)   Protection Against Septic Shock and Suppression of Tumor Necrosis Factor α and Nitric Oxide Production by Dexanabinol (HU-211), a Nonpsychotropic Cannabinoid Ruth Gallily1,
    Aviva Yamin1, Departments of Immunology The Hebrew University, Faculty of Medicine, Jerusalem,  Rehovot, Israel.
    3)    Cannabinoid derivatives US patent 20070179135 A1
    4)    Treatment of HIV and diseases of immune dysregulation US 20080108647 A1
    5)    Curr Pharm Des. 2006;12(24):3135-46. Cannabinoids, immune system and cytokine network. Massi PVaccani AParolaro D, University of Insubria, Via A. da Giussano 10, 21052 Busto Arsizio (VA), Italy
    6)    Cancer Res August 15, 2004 64; 5617 Cannabinoids Inhibit the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Pathway in Gliomas Cristina Blázquez HYPERLINK “”1,
    7)    How Cannabis Might Keep Coronary Stents Open Longer…/how-cannabis-might-keep-coronary-stents-open-longer
    Jun 10, 2014 David Allen M.D.
    Interesting, to say the least!  (Most of the studies referenced are in Granny Storm Crow's List"- see my sig to get your copy)

  2. Thank you so much for these sources, Granny! A few other blades and I were discussing Ebola and cannabis awhile back, and that it could potentially regulate the cytokine release caused by sepsis and lessen its complications. I'm excited to see that there's more information on it, I'll have to find a way to read all these sources. If cannabis really can lessen the chance and severity of DIC, it could be a beautiful step in treating sepsis of all origins.
    I've been trying to find more info on possible microbial effects of cannabinoids as well. All I've been able to find is pretty limited, did not discuss much as to how.
    It's interesting to hear that about hep C in particular. I've read sources with varying conclusions on whether or not marijuana use increasing the rate of fibrosis in hep C patients. But there's also been at least one study that suggests marijuana use can help a person receiving hepatitis C treatment clear the virus and have a sustained viral response! These are referring to interferon and ribavarin treatment though, hepatitis C treatment is changing by the day, and I haven't seen any very recent studies on the subject. It also might just be due to the palliative effects, since the treatment is fairly harsh, and therefore not always adhered to properly. But still, help is help!
    You've probably seen 'em anyway :smoke:
    Also an article at the bottom on hepatitis C and CB-1 receptors. A lot of which was over my head, but an interesting read nonetheless.
  3. Fantastic article, Granny.
    I bet cannabis - likely in a highly concentrated edible oil - would work very well alongside high dosage vitamin C.
    The destruction during the "Cytokine storm" that is prevalent of the viral hemorrhagic fever diseases, IE ebola and dengue fever, rapidly depletes body stores of vitamin C. Vitamin C is required for the blood vessels to maintain their integrity. As the virus rages through its host, eventually vitamin C stores bottom out. The blood vessels falter, and blood coagulation fails, as tissues and body organs begin to liquify and the host goes into shock. Think of extremely aggressive, acute scurvy.
    The high dose vitamin C maintains blood vessel integrity, and the electron-donating effects of vitamin C (fascinating research there) mitigate the inflammatory damage of the cytokine storm. Eventually the immune system defeats the virus.
    If you are familiar, vitamin C is synthesized in animals such as dogs but is no longer made internally by humans. The enzyme for this ability has been deactivated over the course of our evolution. Know that dogs internally synthesize the human body-weight equivalent of 5-10grams per day. When infected or stressed, production is even greater. There is substantial research and clinical experience that milligram doses only help to prevent scurvy. But pharmacological doses of 10grams or higher have great benefit to humans.
    In particular the work of Dr. Klenner and Dr. Cathcart, to name a few, show that under duress the human body rapidly upregulates its upper tolerable limit of vitamin C which is established by bowel tolerance. In short, the common cold will up tolerance to 20-60grams or so / 24 hours, with a more serious infection like influenza requiring 100grams or more / 24, some at 150-200, others like ebola potentially in the neighborhood of 500grams. The studies on antiviral effects of vitamin C, especially in these high dose scenarios are extremely noteworthy.
    Here is a bit more on this:

    In effect, a great potential treatment would be:
    Cannabis oil to strengthen the immune system. Potentially assisted by other immune boosting herbs like echinacea.
    Combine with vitamin C for reasons above, vitamin K for blood clotting, fluid IV drip if patient cannot keep liquids down, etc.
    Remember that the experimental anti-ebola anti-serum TMapp does not kill ebola directly. It stimulates immune response rapidly, and it is the immune system that ultimately subdues the virus.
    In the survived cases of ebola, it is also the immune system that subdues the virus.
    So we should be looking at, what natural substances protect against hemorrhaging, while reducing oxidative damage, AND deliver potent antiviral effects?
    As it turns out, there are plenty.
    But as you can see by reading the Biotech company stock pages, there is a lot of money to be made by experimental vaccines. Cannabis research on this topic (notice they said cannabinoids, not cannabis?) is only happening for the same reasons - so a patent can be filed.
    At least we can get the info out to the people, so they can an educated decision on their own - grow or acquire their own god-given cannabis and treat themselves as necessary.

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