Catalina Clouser, Pot-Smoking Mother, Drives Off With Baby On Roof

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by Skyed, Aug 23, 2012.

  1. Catalina Clouser, Pot-Smoking Mother, Drives Off With Baby On Roof

    This is the reason people think stoners are forgetful and stupid.
  2. here is todays news

    a women, performs a forgetful act, and nothing bad comes of it. Stoners are terrible people

    more on this an 9, here is Tom with the weather
  3. People that don't smoke have never done something forgetful before?
  4. Thanks for the was news about 3 months ago.
  5. pot smoking woman lolol. shes a 19 year old mother whats that say about her decision making skillz?

  6. earth is multiple billions of years old, 3 months is new

    hate elsewhere :) hehehehhee (not that it was really hate, im just a dick :devious: )

  7. Well Mr. Dick, life is extremely short relative to the age of the earth and I for one don't care to see a repeat. Since you don't seem to have much of a memory, here's a link to previous thread if you care to read it again. Go cannabalize yourself :cool:
  8. This reminds me of a local story where a perfectly SOBER man (worked at a bank as I recall) forgot his baby in the car when he got to work. It was over 90 degrees that day and sadly the baby died. Did they report, "Perfectly SOBER man forgets baby in car?"
    Nope. Fuck the corrupt media. Huffungton is leftist bullshit and the same powers that be want to prove raw cannabis is "too dangerous" for people to have and enjoy, and only pharma should be trusted with it. This story speaks to the plight of stupid young people our education system has created, the bleak jobs market has created, and how prohibition fails once again, as it didn't do a damn thing to keep this particular child safe. Again, fuck the media.
  9. Great, some wood to add to the fire for the prohibitionists.
    19 year olds are children
  10. Yes and no. Did the laws do anything to prevent this? Nope.
    Kinda like the "stoned driving" argument that there will suddenly be high people on the roads if legalized. Well, there already are, so what is the law going to change about that?
  11. Little old, but I gotta comment.
    I'd personally have to say that the pot is responsible for this. She left her fricking baby on the roof of the car! Pot shouldn't be used when you're involved in caring for your children, just as booze shouldn't. Especially being a 19 year old mom. Some people are retarded...
  12. I smoke and take care of my daughter while medicated everyday so what are you saying

    And lll be damned if anyone that knows us will say im anything even remotely close to anything of a bad parent

    Jus defending my beloved Mary Jane

  13. im a father too and medicate as well and im sure theres a lot more that do too .

    leaving your 5 week old in the roof of your car at midnight and not realizing till you get home is something else.

    but if you are doing it for recreational purposes with your kid then i think is wrong. that kid could of died because mom was too pissed and had to smoke a bowl or two.

    theres a difference between just wanting to get blazed and overall well-being.

    im not putting the medicine down at all im just talking about priorities you are a father im sure u know what i mean.
  14. Yea i know what you mean if you cant handle your shit dont smoke

    Either way this has nothing to do with mj,this is just bad parenting i could be high as mount everest not work all day be dead tired and i could never forget about my daughter on top of the fucking car,theres no way...

    Theres just no excuses weed or not

    Bad parenting
  15. exactly, it pisses me off these are the stupid things that fuel ignorant judgments against good citizens. bad parenting 100%

    like you said not excuses weed or not.

    we need more positive stories to come out not this crap.
  16. Lol what about all the stories of the people who drink and go home and beat their wife and kids? Never hear about those. Just the "horrible cannabis people".
  17. To be fair, I almost left my 1 month old in my car once and I wasn't using anything at the time.
  18. Since when is anti-legalization a leftist agenda? Liberals love pot. The Huffington Post recently published this article about marijuana possibly curing cancer. I thought that was pretty nice of them to publish something so pro-marijuana in their relatively well respected newspaper.

    Marijuana And Cancer: Scientists Find Cannabis Compound Stops Metastasis In Aggressive Cancers

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