so i searched for carpentry and there was one thread and it was questions thread. i figure there has got to be a few blades who enjoy the smell of saw dust. anyway i started this thread because i got the idea for a fun little project that would remedy my lack of desk space issue. i found this table on craigslist and id like to pick it up and turn it into a desk. oak 72"x34" table and they're asking $50 for it. i plan to sand it all down to bare wood (i hate that dark color, clear sealer on finished product), take about 8†of the width, cut the length to be almost flush with the legs (maybe 1-2†off either side), cut off the stupid humps on the legs, re position the legs at the rear and add proper support. cut slots for wires, and add a peg for my headset. \nmy current desk is 40"x 18" so even if i dont get this table i still plan on building a desk, might use a door if i can find a nice one. i posted this here because i was originally going to post it in the great outdoors but then i realized that carpentry is the reason we have the great indoors so it seemed more fitting here.
I'm actually about to go work on stripping, sanding, and resealing a cedar deck ahaha. That's cool though, I would definitely sand that down. Maybe even remove those two beams in the center of the table so you have some more leg room.. Possibly look into mounting a drawer or a keyboard tray on the underside? The slots for the wires is genius
I've built 2 tv cabinets from scratch. I'm planning to make the next one more complicated and sell it. The first one is in a very small room. About 3 feet opposite from that wall is a bed (parallel to the wall), so it is shaped to take very little space. The lower corners are roughly at eye height and I made them slanted to you can walk by it easier. Sorry for the poor quality. The second one is actually (a moderately light) blue and white.
Some good wood work right there johnny, not much of a carpenter yet but i really admire the work. The white tv stand kinda looks like it could be out of IKEA. Nice job. My dream is too build my own house with my own hands one day. 23 still iv got time to learn.
so unfortunately that table was sold. im going to put the desk build on the back burner for now since i recently discovered that im a gun nut and all my money is going to go towards fixing my broken car and buying guns/ammo. those TV centers are really nice, good work.
Thanks dude. I like building stuff too. Building my own house would be awesome but a little ambitious for now. But I plan on doing many more smaller builds.