career aspirations?

Discussion in 'General' started by Dex‌, Nov 22, 2014.

  1. what are your career aspirations?
    im doing computer science now which im kind of regretting because its going to end up being a flooded field
    im mostly doing it for the job security and shit il get with it.
    my true dream however, is to make it to the south park writers staff   :smoking:

  2. To be a drummer. Why dont you start working for that dream then?
    lol i wouldnt even begin to know how to start that
    only thing i can think of is contacting trey parker and matt stone and shit
    but if they dont think im funny, then thats the end of it
  4. Wouldn't you rather say atleast i tried than i wish i would've?
  5. Author. Not really working towards it. Well sort of. Working towards an environment I can comfortably write in. i.e. a real home.
  6. I just want enough money to live comfortably, dont really care how I get there (as long as its something I enjoy).

    That said, I do want to get into the marijuana industry
  7. theres a time and place for the type of motivation youre attempting to give. just doesn't work in this sorry to burst your bubble
  8. Aha what? Sorry for trying to help
  9. Currently in my 3rd year of university studying Chemical Engineering.
  10. Have Electorinics degree, hardware programming cert.....thats what high school guidance guy sed to do....time back I would have been a farmer or carpenter, I think I'd be a lot happier now....A job ya like , a few bucks in the bank, roof over yer head, food, family and friends....thats all ya need.
  11. When I grow up I'm gonna be a stuntman, or a martial arts instructor! I'll probably have like a totally cool dojo or something to practice all my killer stunts in -- I'll need a place to meditate and hone my craft! ahherrrp derp -- and, and... And I'll eat cake every day of the week!
    Depending on which way the wind blows, either a Captioner or a Keeper of the Record. One way lets me pretty much just roll outta bed do the job quick from my couch for a couple hours and then boom I have the whole day for whatever. The other way is a bit more involved, gotta dress up and go somewhere and be there for maybe 8 hours a week, but the money is stupid good. So I might do one for awhile to make bank, then finish with the other to be super lazy. 
    Not sure if this is an "aspiration", I think i would consider it a plain ol' simple career choice. Not exciting or fantastical.  :mellow:
  13. I'm with CanIbeShaggy I think you should try rather then just mope about it. The worst that could happen is exactly where you are right now, not working with Southpark.  Not exactly a big risk.
     I would say if you're not sure how to go about it, I wouldn't just email them, I would get a bit more creative then that. Take a look at how they got into the industry, that stupid Santa VS Jesus Christmas episode thing they came up with skyrocketed them to popularity. They both met in film school and created that thing from scratch on their own, Matt has a healthy respect for good film and directing and Trey has a high regard for theatre and musicals (surprisingly?)  So knowing that information I would probably come up with something funny that you made and send it to them. If you are actually funny enough for SouthPark, it should stand on its own.  They also took some schooling for this industry, they didn't just wake up in their basements and create a show. There is a lot of technical expertise needed there as well, if you have that you need to display that as well. If not, well, thats something you need to have either way if you want to be in that industry. 
  14. I'm getting my B.A. in political science right now. Law school after that. Be a lawyer for a while, move into politics and run for office maybe in the House at first then probably the senate. Eventually run for the presidency?

    Sent from four score and seven years ago
  15. I haven't figured it out yet. I'm a plumber by trade, a carpenter by passion, with close to half my life's experience on job sites.

    But I always thought firefighting was the gig for me. Once I'd made it I knew for sure, but after a short saga, I quit. Story of my life.

    Then I found my passion in landscaping. Here's a career I can get behind; creative, rewarding. I got certified, climbed the ladder, planned to start my own business.

    I'm quitting this too, in just two weeks.

    I think about my future a lot. I want a big family and I'll need a good job to support them. I can easily foresee myself heading that successful landscaping business, volunteering for the fire brigade, loving what I do. But I don't know what the future has in store and if life has taught me anything so far, it's that new opportunities are everywhere. I might find a new passion tomorrow, and I welcome it.

    So, I s'pose my answer is that I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up, but I'm alright by that. All part of the adventure.
  16. 2deep4me

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  17. Chef
    Sci-Fi writer
    Constitutional Lawyer
    Cultural Anthropologist 
    Weed dispensary owner
    Founder of internet start up company
    Animal-assisted therapist who works in a hospice
  18. Entrepreneur - Coffee bar
  19. Oh boy. A job at Vice news would be great, just about any position, maybe a reporter. I've been told I could be a good counselor. Every once in a great while though I'll get the idea of being a religious brother, helping the poor every day and living a humble, pious life (yes a Catholic smoker :hide: ). The subject of what I will do for most of my life stumps me every time I think about it. I still gotta lotta thinking to do lol.

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