Carbon Filter Box?

Discussion in 'General' started by Purp Smoker, Feb 23, 2010.

  1. What if you cut a hole into a regular wooden box, attached some sort of homemade mouthpiece to the hole, and put a homemade carbon filter inside the box where the mouthpiece meets the hole?

    Then when you smoke in your room you just blow into the box and the carbon filter gets rid of any of the smell from exhaled smoke.

    Would that work?
  2. Make a spoof lol
  3. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  4. hahah I usually do but wouldn't that be tight if you could just lay in your bed and smoke into a box and not worry about the smell?

  5. (shit that doesnt work spelt out)

  6. haha I understand. but my point is with a sploof you're sitting there blowing it out the window and stuff. with this box you can sit anywhere in your room or lay on your bed and toke unsmellingly
  7. My spoof smoke always smelt like fabreeze?! :p

  8. you guys suck. haha
  9. Anytime man :)

    Oh and it's bounce not fabreeze my bad haha

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