car wreck

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by thmssttn, Dec 31, 2009.

  1. Last night I rear-ended somedody going ablout 40.I felt fine right after the accident beside my car being totally destroyed. I woke up this morning with cramps in all my muscles and legs. my back hurts and I can barely move my neck what should I expect to get from the docter?
  2. I got hit by a bus once on my bike as well as some dumbass 16 year old female, and neither time did I go to the doctor. My suggestion would be take some tylenol or whatever those painkillers are called or smoke something.

    Im pretty strongly against the pharmaceutical industry though, so Im biased.
  3. yeah I've been taking Ibuprofin all day and putting ice on my neck, I was just wondering if the doc will give me anything stronger
  4. He'd probably give you a neck brace and some kind of pain killer if it was bad enough. Anywhere from codeine, to vic's...depends on the severity of the injury and your doc.
  5. that sucks bro i just clippde the mirror off my car also what a nice way to start the day rite
  6. If you went to the doc you'd probably get a muscle relaxer and be instructed to continue with the Ibuprophin.
  7. see if you can go get prescribed hydrocodone :D
  8. That's called whiplash and it takes about 24 hours to kick in, if its bad enough to go a doctor, but i mean that in a no shit kind of way, if its not that bad lite one up and forget about it.
  9. WHiplash can be pretty serious. Many times you can slip disks, fracture vertebrae, or have internal bruising and bleeding. Go see you doc, normally it's just bruised and tender, no big deal, just some muscular discomfort that the doc may or may not prescribe you something for...or you could have fractured a vertebrae, that will only get worse and worse with daily abuse, and eventually end up healing wrong or slipping out, or chipping, either way, it can cause problems later. better safe than sorry with whiplash, I always say.
  10. Same thing happened to me I got into a crash on my motorcycle and got up totally fine, but next day I couldent move anything without it hurting, doctor prescribed me some gay shit , but luckily I already had a doctor recommendation for a better medicine...that's right that sticky icky, and it really helped wit the pain, but temporarily,also I found sex makes u forget the pain haha seriously
  11. Damn everyone is getting in car accidents.

    My sister spun out, yes, spun out on the freeway last night. Its her 3rd car accident in the last 2 months or something. I swear she is the worst driver in Minnesota.
  12. Vitamins make the pain subside quicker!

    i had got into a bad wreck and my body hurt for all of two days , regarding i flung into the back of my car thats pretty good

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