Captain Obvious

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by DimebagRIP88, Jun 13, 2010.

  1. Ok check it, I know this is probably going to sound obvious as fuck, but I believe it's some sit that's SO obvious that most guys don't get it. I know that I sure as hell didn't, at least until today.

    Confidence Is Everything - You've heard it countless times, but they often don't give an example of good confidence. Confidence is all about knowing what you want and then going for it.

    Example: Say that there's this girl you've been wanting to get involved with. Instead of trying to "get to know her" or "start out as friends", you need go into that interaction with the sole purpose of letting her know you want her. Simple as that. If she's interested, things will happen. If not, worst she can say is no (and believe it or not, that WILL boost your confidence. There are only so many times you can hear "no" before it starts to lose it's sting.)
    Or if you're already out with her, make sure she knows you want her, and that you're not afraid to go after her (respectfully, of course). Make casual, but flirtatious body contact. If the location calls for it, just put your arm around her and try and cuddle with her a little. Trust me, SHE WILL let you know if that's not what she wants. And she doesn't, just play it off as her loss. NEVER LET REJECTION HURT YOUR CONFIDENCE. It will only set you back in your quests for love, friendship, or just good 'ole pussy.
    And it's ridiculously easy to move in for a kiss from a cuddle, I mean Jesus, it can't get simpler, haha. And if she doesn't go for it, FUCK IT. It's not the end of the world, you know. At least you can say you had the balls to try.

    Women Are People Too - No, this isn't going to be a feminist rant. However, far too often I see people "put the pussy on a pedestal". Basically, we see girls as unattainable, almost goddess-like creatures that us men aren't worthy of. And that's partly true. But they're human too. They have the same loneliness, fear, and insecurities that we all have. Plus, some are horny as shit. Even more so than guys.
    So you've gotta start seeing yourself as the solution to some of their problems. Trust me, it gives incredible confidence when you truly to realize and believe this. All a girl wants is someone to be there, love them, and make them feel like a priceless piece of art that's irreplaceable (within reason). Any guy can do these things. So anytime you start wondering if it's ok to make a move because you're worried about her being offended, just go for it. If she says no, just stop, be a gentleman, and pick up where you were before your move.

    And shit, I had some more I was gonna put, but it's been a hell of a day and I'm beat. Not to mention blazed. Forgot part of what I was gonna say. Fuck it, I'll add it in an edit. Need to hit the bong before sleep. But at least now I've got a girl to call my own. It's been a good day :D
    Night Blades
  2. very nice +rep
  3. women are people too? Guess thats where I went wrong...:eek:
  4. I just disregard women and try not to give a fuck about any of them, while remaining polite and civil.

  5. hahahahaha :hello::hello::hello:you, sir, deserve a standing ovation for that one.
  6. He is Wet Horse Lips, after all, aha.
  7. #7 HookdOnChronic, Jun 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 15, 2010

    Oh wait, your the guy still hanging onto his V-Card correct????? I mean, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that! At all! Seriously! But ya know, if you DO feel like getting rid of that bitch, you could think about, Oh I dunno, trying something different? lol, just a thought... Giving you a hard time man, that's all... :) All in good fun
  8. How's that working?

  9. I'm guessin great cos shits wonderful down my end with that same scenario haha:smoking:
  10. hell yea thats like the main thang to always remember yo
    but i should also like to add that you can head on down to 8th street (every town has one) throw down 20-30 dollars and a girl of equal or better attractiveness will put their mouth on your weiner.
    i just felt i should let that be known:smoking:
  11. Shit, them bitches down on Park Drive would have to pay ME to suck my dick, haha. Naaasssty.
  12. I agree with that, except for the "priceless piece of art" part. If humanity is meant to have gender equality, what's this about artwork? Yes, women are beautiful, but like hell I'm going to treat someone like a Picasso or Van Gogh if they don't reciprocate.

    I have to wonder about the initial approach though. If you approach a woman with the sole intent of being with her, disregarding the "getting to know her" bit, you truly give off the impression that you don't give a shit about her. While I agree that being friends too long decreases the chances of developing a deeper, romantic emotional connection, I would argue that there does need to be some friendship before anything else.

    Personally, I want to get to know the women I have a desire to be with. I don't get to know her so I'm able to be with her. I get to know her so I can decide if she's worth the effort of trying to be with her. See the difference?

    If I took your approach, I might end up with a hottie with daddy issues and a murderer for an ex husband. Who wants that, no matter how attractive she is?
  13. By "Priceless piece of art" I was meaning that you should make her feel like she's truly unique and special. That's all anyone on earth could want in a partner. And this advice was kinda created with the thought that you'd already know that this girl was worth pursuing, sorry if I forgot to say that, ha.

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