Can't sign in to GC shop...

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by GreenToknDahlia, May 7, 2011.

  1. I created an account and I confirmed everything through the email that they sent back to me, but I go and try to sign in... have all my info. in, the screen just blinks and then all my info is gone and I am back to the same sign in screen again. If I try to sign up again it does the same thing to me on the sign up screen so I don't know what is going on. Can someone help me? Thanks
  2. I just signed up to say i have the same problem. I tried clearing my cache and a different email, hopefully it's sorted out within the next couple days.
  3. I just tried my account and I have no problems...:confused_2:
  4. I cant either. Which really bums me out because I am a paid member. :(

  5. This thread was brought up a while ago so I'm thinking their problem has probably been solved, but in regards to your problem; are you trying to log into the shop using your forum ID? :confused:

    Because the forums and the shop are two different areas and you need a unique sign in for each one. Your account on the forums will not work in the GC shop.
  6. Im having this problem now, I created a seperate account and everything every time I hit the log in button it just like refreshes the page Ive had my eye on a bong for awhile now and have been unable to get it :(
  7. have you logged out and tried as a guest?
  8. I can view the store just fine as a guest, its just when I try to log in I hit the button and it just refreshes the page, no error message saying invalid password or anything telling me im missing something, all it does is just bring me to the same page

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