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"Can't get higher" Myth? Fact?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Forever Wavy, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. So I know a lottttt of people that say once you're at a certain point of being high you won't get higher.. Even if you continue to smoke. They would also be the type of person that say it's a waste if you do that. (ex. smoking an ounce in an hour) But personally I feel like marijuana is a multiphase drug, where you CAN actually get to a whole different level of being high. ESP with dabs/hash ect. What do you guys think?
  2. You can def get to different levels using hash and stuff, but there is also a ceiling to how high you can get overall.

    I once smoked a huge blunt with just one other person and after like 15 minutes of puff puff pass, I found that each new hit wasn't changing my high at all. I also simultaneously felt sort of baselined, almost sober really
  3. There's only so "high" your tolerance goes but most importantly, your mind-frame tolerance and experience.
  4. nah theres not much of a limit but there is definitely a plateu like if highness is from 1-100 the first 4 hits might take you to 70 then the next ten hits will take you to 80 and so on
  5. my highs are up and down. last nite I grabbed some of my weed that I keep in 1 gram baggies from different/best pickups, found out I smoked .15 in my bong and was blasted, spinning and floating for a hour. so who knows but I usual stop when I'm content with my high
  6. Yea i kind of stop getting higher after a certain point. After that i just pass out
  7. I think most strains have a "ceiling." Others you can smoke and smoke and continue to get high. Like Headband. You can smoke that stuff all day long and it's still going to get you blazed out of your mind.
  8. When you have a tolerance you get to a point where smoking more just gets you 'more fucked up' instead of higher
  9. Diminishing Returns brah.
  10. There's definitely a point you stop getting high, and I'm the kind of person who will sit there and smoke an ounce just to smoke.

  11. After I get super high, I always love to smoke more. Its a fun activity to burn trees. I dont get any higher but i love smoking nonetheless
  12. If i smoke good weed all day i eventually get a headache

  13. I thought this only happened to me.
    Smoking lots of weed with two girls, they say they keep getting higher, but after a while I felt like I smoked myself sober.

    Eyes were devils dick red but I felt less high than when we first started smoking.
  14. Then you aren't smoking good weed.
  15. there's definitely a ceiling to how high you can get, but it depends on your tolerance. thc binds with your cannabinoid receptors and if all of your cannabinoid have created a bond with thc, then more thc won't really do anything

  16. Exactly, no funner activity than blazing.
    Well.. there is one.. :ey:
  17. I know I get to a point where I don't know what the fuck is happening, and if I smoke more I still don't know what the fuck is happening.

  18. LOL, Tintizzy grows the dank, son.

    I'd say the plateau varies from strain to strain, definitely go to another level with dabs.
  19. #19 BurnAFewDown, Dec 21, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2012
    I agree it goes in waves. You'll get super high, then start to tapper off, but their is no max, you just gota smoke a lot more to keep the high going higher. One night smoked an O of some medical dank and a half O of some afghan bubble hash straight from Humboldt with a few buds and I have never been so high in my life. 420 ftw!

  20. Hehe well blazing is the funnest activity for me for sucks though coz I cant get very high anymore :( i have a big blunt, 4gs to the face that im gonna smoke before the end of the world. I think that should get me super high coz its a different strain from the one i been smoking too

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