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Chronic Pain CannaSalve, from leaves?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by InnovativeIndicas89, Aug 6, 2017.

  1. Hi, so I am scouring the internet searching for options to use my fan leaves. I would love to hear more ideas and uses.

    But mainly, ive though about making a balm or lotion. Do the leaves have enough cbd to make a good lotion?
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  2. I use a coffee grinder to grind up leaves and make an edible... grind them super fine, decarboxylate them then add to high fat oils and such to transport those thc molecules and then Enjoy!
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  3. If they're from a strain with CBD, then yes they will. Regardless, they will contain beneficial cannabinoids and terpenes, and will make an excellent oil and/or salve.
    Decarb them in the oven first if you want it activated, at 240F for 45 minutes, preferably covered. Grind it up reasonably well but not to flour stage, then infuse with your oil of choice. Strain and use. I prefer coconut oil, and sometimes I use olive oil depending on what I'm using it for.
  4. The amount of CBD in your plant relies on the strain you use. Mango Haze, Charlotte's Web and Dance World are some of the quality strains which are rich in CBD. Crush the leaves with a grinder and put them on a baking sheet. You should decarboxylate them in the oven for 30-35 minutes at 245F. Take the marijuana from the oven and place them with a coconut oil n a sauce pan. SImmer the mixture for 30-40 minutes (don't boil ! ). Strain the oil, infuse them with other stuff and oils (Beeswax, Vitamin E etc). Let them cool and enjoy
    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. a friend gave me 6 garbage bags full of stems and leaves. I believe his plants are higher in thc. Will the leaves and stems make a potent salve? I have ac/dc very high cbd plant growing and saved all the trim. I have one garbage bag drying. If I add them to the thc leaves will it cut the potency or increase it. Last question. There are no buds in either. Will the batch of salve be as potent as if I used buds as well? Not sure how old this thread is but thought I'd ask. thanks
  6. make two seperate runs with each type... that way if it goes wrong you can adjust with the other one... and you can add each one to the other as needed if you make them separate up front... more work but mixing strains does not always work
  7. make two seperate runs with each type... that way if it goes wrong you can adjust with the other one... and you can add each one to the other as needed if you make them separate up front... more work but mixing strains does not always work
  8. make two seperate runs with each type... that way if it goes wrong you can adjust with the other one... and you can add each one to the other as needed if you make them separate up front... more work but mixing strains does not always work
  9. Thank you. I will not mix strains and will make one batch with the high cbd leaves (once they dry) and the other batch with the thc leaves. 6 garbage bags full amounted to 1 1/2 gallon baggies crushed. How much coconut oil to 1 1/2 gallon bags of leaves and stems for canna salve? 2 jars? I use a slow cooker and let it cook on low over night (after decarbing).
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  10. the main question is now...will it work at all without using any bud?
  11. sorry man no notifications from your posts.but yeah- leaves can work. you just need more of them . if they are sugar leaves cut from the flower even better... fan leaves have much less actives.
    I simply grind up decarbed dried leaves in a coffee grinder and add a few grams ( 5 to 8) into a nut butter with lecithin and black pepper and honey and eat it... has great effects .. just tastes a little grassy but not bad...

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