Cannabis outdoor grow (possible fungi/mold) HELP

Discussion in 'Cannabis Breeding' started by Mdos109, Aug 13, 2019.

  1. Hi, this is my fist year attempting to grow cannabis outdoors, everything has been growing great so far but there is only one concern I am having with one of my 4 pots, a strange light brown powder has started to form in one of the bins. I am assuming that this is some sort of fungi?(photo included) I have multiple holes around the containers to allow air to the top of the soil at the base of the plants as Well I have holes everywhere else around the bin for more air. Does anyone know specifically what this is, if it will it harm my grow?and exactly how to get rid of it? I am very worried that this could contaminate the rest of my plants if it is able to spread up the plants, but as of yet it does not appear on the plants themselves, thankyou for any help :)

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  2. From the pic I claim it as Mycellium s very important fungi

    see it as a form of communication like the internet for plants

    plants use the fungi also to suck (P)and (K) from sand and rocks

    good luck and avoid over watering keep it covered with soil
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  3. Not an expert, but my soil mix grows fungus and works swell. It is usually white fungus tho...

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