Cannabis as a workout aid??

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by tomsik, Jun 24, 2016.

  1. Found this video from a known re source for everything fitness related
    I might be trying a high grade sativa as a pre workout
    Check out the vid and let me know what you think

  2. well whatever he's doing is clearly working for him.

    The main thing stopping me doing it pre workout more is that I dont have faith in my balance/coordination when high- not that I necessarily will fall over or drop shit, but the possibility is there and is a distraction I dont want when doing something like squats or overhead press.
  3. That's a bad idea. By the time I was 25 yrs old I was so relaxed out that I never put any real effort into anything physical after that. You may feel exhilarated at the outset, but it will rob you of your energy.
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