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Canadian legal weed

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Laucass83, May 28, 2019.

  1. Well, just resigned myself and went to get cannabis at government store. Too long before harvest and drying. Again what a rip off. I hate those big company as much as they don't care about customers. I use to like Medreleaf but quality isn't there anymore. Worst of them in my opinion would be Tweed. Cannabis is a great thing to be self sufficient. The only solution is to grow your own.
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  2. I watched a youtube video showing some of that govenment herb most of the stuff looked horrible but atleast its legal not sure how things work up there is it legal to grow your own?
  3. I assume the majority only care about money, unfortunately
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  4. Its legal to grow 4 plant per house.
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  5. Oh thats pretty cool i wish the us would do something like that country wide
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  6. Also you never know what it's been growing in. I mean ya they're not gonna grow it with sewage but you never know the chemicals they use to stop bugs and stuff.
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  7. Really have issues with the prices and quality of legal weed . My town doesn't even have a weed store yet even though it's been legal since October . Pretty sad to have to drive an hour away to get some . At least I'm not classified as being a criminal just for buying and smoking . Decided to invest my cash in growing my own smoke . I find it very exciting to watch my babies grow . The count down is on to my first harvest in about 6 more weeks. My 4 train wreck plants look amazing .
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  8. 6 Plants per house here in California.
    25 Plants per house in California with a cannabis card "anyone can get one lol".

    1/8 of Hybrid or Indica for 15 bucks and .7 gram prerolls for 4 bucks.

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